Monday, December 31, 2012

The Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Secret To getting a motivational keynote speaker to motivate your staff.

In every corporate event, many employees dread the corporate entertainment and feel very bored and not entertained in anyway; unfortunately 8 out of 10 people that go to a corporate function dread it because of the corporate entertainment at pass events was not fun and or entertaining.

“Finding the right Entertainment Agency Indianapolis that will make a big impact and deliver a unforgettable entertainment that everyone can and will enjoy is no small task, but is very important if you want to make the event unforgettable.” says Tiphanny Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis whohas over over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. She is a Party Planner Indianapolis  expert and author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re Party Planners Indianapolis. “Avoiding failure choosing the right corporate entertainment is easily preventable. It’s easy steps that can be taken.”

What questions every event planner Indianapolis should ask them before hiring a corporate entertainment for you corporate event:

  • Do you have testimonials from clients that fit our profile?

  • What do you do to keep the audience engaged?

  • Can you tailor your show to our company slogan?

MIY Speakers Bureau Indianapolis is a professional Entertainment Agency Indianapolis and Speakers Bureau Indianapolis with over 15 years experience providing motivational keynote speakers Indianapolis and entertainers Indianapolis for corporate clients all over the world. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Secret To getting a motivational keynote speaker to motivate your staff.

Everyone remembers the emotional and very inspirational and motivational speech coach Chuck Pagano maid to his young struggling team Indianapolis Colts before playing the #2 ranked defense Miami Dolphins. The Indianapolis Colts was not only motivated but convincingly won a game that many experts thought they wouldn’t win.

“The power of a good motivational and inspirational speech can and will help stir up the necessary emotions and belief that people need to overcome any obstacle large or small,” says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphannyis has over over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. She is a Party Planner Indianapolis  expert and author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re Party Planners Indianapolis.

The first strategy is to stay away from negative people no matter who they may be. Let’s face it, we all have enough obstacles that we may be going through at any given time so why add to our load by surrounding ourselves when not needed around negative minded people.

The second strategy is to stay focused on the overall vision we may have to accomplish a specific goal in our lives Indianapolis Coach Chuck Pagano stated in his speech to his team, “You guys are living in vision, and not in circumstances.” The average person that is faced with adversity concentrates on the circumstances they may be faced and not on the most important thing vision.

“If you find the right speaker bureau Indianapolis that helps your guest embrace and focus on vision and not circumstances they will be well on their way to being successful in this game of life.” Says, Tiphanny.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Speakers Bureau Indianapolis reveals The three anti bullying and character education survival skills every student must know to be successful.

This school year thousands of students will go to school with the ambition and excitement to learn. Unfortunately, many of them either not want to go to school or dread the hours they are in school. Not because of what they are being taught or the staff, but because they will not like the bully type of environment that they may be subject to. According to the national bully statistics 56% of all students in the US have witness a bullying crime take place in school and the community.


“This is a tragedy,” says MIY Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager Anti Bullying and Character education program Indianapolis, school assembly agent and Top Selling, Event Planner Indianapolis author Tiphanny, “The student that is being bullied and the student that is acting as a bully are both suffering the needed and necessary character education and leadership skills needed to be successful in the world,”


Here are Anti Bullying and Character education program Indianapolis, event planner Indianapolis and production manager Tiphanny’s three anti bullying and character education survival skills every student must know to be successful:


You must have a vision of what you aspire to be and your goals…Every student must have a clear and defined vision of what they aspire to be. This helps the person being bullied because they are able to look pass any obstacle (like a bully) and feel a since of purpose and self worth. This helps the person doing the bullying because they understand what they may loose in the process of bullying and harassing people.


Be willing to adapt to change…The most constant thing in every student and adults life is change. The person being bullied handles change in their lives differently then the person inflicting bully type behavior. The bottom-line both are handling change horribly. The way you adapt to change will determine how successful you will be not only in school but also in your life.


Embrace mentorship… We only learn two ways in life through experience or mentors, it is important for every student to find mentors. It is important for the student being bullied because it will allow them to feel comfortable seeking help, and it is important for the student bullying because it will allow them to express what is making them manifest such bad behavior.


Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphannyis has over over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. She is a Party Planner Indianapolis  expert and author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re Party Planners Indianapolis.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Speakers Bureau Indianapolis has school has Anti Bullying and Character Education Programs That Can Stop Any Student From Being Bullied In 35 Minutes Or Less.

These incredibly powerful words come from Top Selling Author and Speakers Bureau IndianapolisProduction Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, the nation’s leading Speakers Bureau Indianapolis that provides Anti Bullying and Character  Education programs on youth Leadership and the creator of Leadership Magic and Student Success book.


MIY Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager Tiphanny, explains how their speakers tell the students in a entertaining way 5 Proven Ways To Bully Proof Your Students Or Child:


  • why its important to know that girls are 8 to 10 times more likely to bully and be bullied.


  • the enormous mistake parents and teachers make when educating students about bullying.


  • how the students of the information age don’t really know what bullying really is.


  • the worst (and best) ways to educate your student or child about bullying


  • great stories of success from people who have been bullied and used Anti Bullying program speaker Jamahl’s easy-to use, can’t-possibly fail techniques.


Event Planner Indianapolis Tiphanny is the production manager for MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis with over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. She is a Party Planner Indianapolis  expert and author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re Party Planners Indianapolis


The Speaker Bureau Indianapolis speakers are frequently interviewed on TV and radio, and his articles and interviews have appeared in newspapers, magazines and youth organization newsletters and blogs. They are available for interviews, Anti Bullying and Character education programs Indianapolis and School Assembly show Indianapolis.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

FREE Anti Bullying DVD Helps Schools And Youth Organizations Stop Bullying Once And For All.

“More than half of the schools and youth organizations around the country use the wrong Anti Bullying and Character Education program curriculum for their students. Many schools and youth organizations find it hard to reach their youth with a lot of the current dated and boring Anti Bullying and Character Education material and end up throwing in the towel or waving the white flag from the frustration of not having the right Anti Bullying and Character Education curriculum that can educate, inform and engage their students.”

Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency IndianapolisTiphanny, author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips and how to save time and money if you’re a Party Planners Indianapolis.

“Bullying is a growing problem in schools and youth organizations all over our nation that not only effect students being bullied but the students being subjected to witnessing the bullying,” says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny. “Studies have shown that students that are subjected to watching bullying or in a environment that seemingly condones bullying have a tougher time developing the necessary leadership, decision making and communication skills needed to excel in this information age.

With character education, decision making and communication skills lacking from the average student of this information age schools and youth organizations are fed up and are looking for a Anti Bullying and Character education program curriculum that keep their students competitive and reveals to them the dangers of bullying.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to hire the ideal youth speaker for your school and or youth organization.

In every school in America, many students dread the time they need to sit down and listen to the speaker talk about bullying and give a anti bully rah rah speech; unfortunately 8 out of 10 students that listen to the average anti bully speaker daydream and forget 90% of what the speaker was talking about.

“Finding the right anti bully and character education speaker that will make a big impact and deliver a unforgettable message that will change culture of your school and community is no small task, but is very important to get the right anti bully speaker, if you want to motivate the student of this era.” says Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if your a Party Planners Indianapolis “To avoid failure of choosing a bad speaker for your assembly, youth rally or anti bully event. It’s easy steps that can be taken.”

What questions every event planner Indianapolis should ask a anti bully speaker before hiring them to speak at their youth event:

  • Do you have testimonials from clients that fit our profile?

  • What type of entertainment do you use to keep the audience engage?

  • Is your material relevant to the issues of what today’s students are going through?

  • Do you have any materials that we may be able to give to our students, to reinforce your anti bully message?

  • Can your presentation fit in any part of our event?

  • Do you have any presentations that can be presented to our teachers, staff and parents in a breakout session?

Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Tiphanny, is a Party Event Planner Indianapolis and event planners Indianapolis with over 15 years experience booking youth speakers and motivational keynote speakers for youth and corporate events.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to hire the right Family Entertainment Indianapolis for your events.

Everyone remembers the emotional and very inspirational and motivational speech coach Chuck Pagano maid to his young struggling team Indianapolis Colts before playing the #2 ranked defense Miami Dolphins. The Indianapolis Colts was not only motivated but convincingly won a game that many experts thought they wouldn’t win.

“The power of a good motivational and inspirational speech can and will help stir up the necessary emotions and belief that people need to overcome any obstacle large or small,” says Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if your a Party Planners Indianapolis.

There are however, a number of simple daily motivational keynote speaker strategies that anyone can use to put their mind in a positive state so that they can and will accomplish more in life.

The first strategy is to stay away from negative people no matter who they may be. Let’s face it, we all have enough obstacles that we may be going through at any given time so why add to our load by surrounding ourselves when not needed around negative minded people.

The second strategy is to stay focused on the overall vision we may have to accomplish a specific goal in our lives Indianapolis Coach Chuck Pagano stated in his speech to his team, “You guys are living in vision, and not in circumstances.” The average person that is faced with adversity concentrates on the circumstances they may be faced and not on the most important thing vision.

“Hiring the right Speakers Bureau Indianapolis helps your guest embrace and focus on vision and not circumstances they will be well on their way to being successful in this game of life.” Says, Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if your a Party Planners Indianapolis, with over 15 years experience party planning Indianapolis for companies and special events.

Monday, December 24, 2012

How to find the right Speakers Bureau Indianapolis to help motivate your staff.

Everyone remembers the emotional and very inspirational and motivational speech coach Chuck Pagano maid to his young struggling team Indianapolis Colts before playing the #2 ranked defense Miami Dolphins. The Indianapolis Colts was not only motivated but convincingly won a game that many experts thought they wouldn’t win.

“The power of a good motivational and inspirational speech can and will help stir up the necessary emotions and belief that people need to overcome any obstacle large or small,” says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if your a Party Planners Indianapolis.

The first strategy is to stay away from negative people no matter who they may be. Let’s face it, we all have enough obstacles that we may be going through at any given time so why add to our load by surrounding ourselves when not needed around negative minded people.

The second strategy is to stay focused on the overall vision we may have to accomplish a specific goal in our lives Indianapolis Coach Chuck Pagano stated in his speech to his team, “You guys are living in vision, and not in circumstances.” The average person that is faced with adversity concentrates on the circumstances they may be faced and not on the most important thing vision.

“If you find the right Speakers Bureau Indianapolis that helps your guest embrace and focus on vision and not circumstances they will be well on their way to being successful in this game of life.” Says, Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if your a Party Planners Indianapolis, with over 15 years experience party planning Indianapolis for companies and special events.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Colts Coach Chuck Pagano’s Emotional Speech 1st Trip Back To Stadium Since Leukemia Diagnosis proves the power of a Good Speakers Bureau Indianapolis to provide you with a great speaker!

Everyone remembers the emotional and very inspirational and motivational speech coach Chuck Pagano maid to his young struggling team Indianapolis Colts before playing the #2 ranked defense Miami Dolphins. The Indianapolis Colts was not only motivated but convincingly won a game that many experts thought they wouldn’t win.

“The power of a good motivational and inspirational speech can and will help stir up the

necessary emotions and belief that people need to overcome any obstacle large or small,” says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if your a Party Planners Indianapolis, with over 15 years experience party planning Indianapolis for companies and special events

There are however, a number of simple daily motivational keynote speaker Indianapolis strategies that anyone can use to put their mind in a positive state so that they can and will accomplish more in life.

The first strategy is to stay away from negative people no matter who they may be. Let’s face it, we all have enough obstacles that we may be going through at any given time so why add to our load by surrounding ourselves when not needed around negative minded people.

The second strategy is to stay focused on the overall vision we may have to accomplish a specific goal in our lives Indianapolis Coach Chuck Pagano stated in his speech to his team, “You guys are living in vision, and not in circumstances.” The average person that is faced with adversity concentrates on the circumstances they may be faced and not on the most important thing vision.

“If you find the right motivational keynote speaker Indianapolis that helps your guest embrace and focus on vision and not circumstances they will be well on their way to being successful in this game of life.” Says, Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

How to get the perfect Family Entertainment Indianapolis for your next corporate event.

Many designated corporate planners dream of hiring the right entertainer for their company event that everyone talks about for months and even years to come. Whether they’re looking for family entertainment Indianapolis, entertainment for a special corporate event or just looking for a entertainer to break the daily work day monotony, the first thing every planner should do is fit the perfect entertainment to fit the corporate event. Hiring the wrong entertainment can make the event a drag and potentially a failure. The fact is, for most event planners, hiring the first entertainer that says they have a great show isn’t the only qualifications you should be looking for.

“Companies are looking for more bang for their buck when it comes to hiringentertainment especially in this up and down economy,” explains Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny.

Author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if your a Party Planners Indianapolis, with over 15 years experience party planning Indianapolis for companies and special events.

“Designated company party planners no longer have the time or resources to find the right entertainer that fits the often stressful budget,” says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny. In addition to finding the right entertainment for your corporate event you must find a seasoned entertainer that is capable of adapting to any type of situation and or event. 

Many seasoned corporate entertainers in fact, understand the need and importance of implementing comedy and audience participation in every show they present to the company.“Designated planners who don’t understand the importance of hiring a entertainer that incorporates comedy and audience participation will never get the unforgettable and engaging aspect needed to have a successful corporate event,” warns Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Entertainment Agency Indianapolis secret to hiring the right type of entertainment you should hire for your corporate event.

Every holiday season, hundreds of companies hire someone to entertain the employees and family at the annual holiday party event, someone in the company is always designated to be the party and event planner with a budget that can be stressful especially in this uncertain economy; unfortunately many company holiday parties lose their luster and fun element not because of the food served or colleagues in attendance but because of the entertainer that was not appealing to everyone in attendance.

“Hiring the right family entertainment Indianapolis for your company is no small task, you must look out for the pitfalls that can come from hiring the wrong entertainment” says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, the nation’s leading authority on. “Avoiding hiring the wrong entertainment for your companies special event is easily preventable. It’s easy steps that can be taken.”

What questions every event planner or designated company party planner should ask before hiring any entertainer:

How long have you been entertaining?

Do you have any testimonials from past corporate events?

Do you offer any type of guarantee? and if so what?

All of MIY Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Anti Bully and character education youth speakers are prolific author on the subject of Bullying and Youth Leadership. There newest work, “Can’t Quit It Until You Get It, 5 proven ways to bully proof your child” has received critical acclaim from parents, teachers and educators from all over the country. MIY Speakers Bureau Indianapolis youth speakers have appeared on ABC, CBS, Family Channel and even on TNN. He’s been interviewed by over 91 radio & talk shows, newspapers and magazines.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Speakers Bureau Indianapolis 5 proven ways to bully proof your students.

These incredibly powerful words come from premier youth Speakers Bureau for Anti Bullying and Character Education programs, Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, the nation’s leading authority on Anti Bullying Education and Youth Leadership and the creator of Leadership Magic and Student Success book.

Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency IndianapolisTiphanny will help you pick the right speaker for your youth. MIY Speakers Bureau youth speakers will tell your audience 5 Proven Ways To Bully Proof Your Students Or Child:

  • why its important to know that girls are 8 to 10 times more likely to bully and be bullied.

  • the enormous mistake parents and teachers make when educating students about bullying.

  • how the students of the information age don’t really know what bullying really is.

  • the worst (and best) ways to educate your student or child about bullying

  • great stories of success from people who have been bullied and used Anti Bullying program speaker Jamahl’s easy-to use, can’t-possibly fail techniques.

All of MIY Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Anti Bully and character education youth speakers are prolific author on the subject of Bullying and Youth Leadership. There newest work, “Can’t Quit It Until You Get It, 5 proven ways to bully proof your child” has received critical acclaim from parents, teachers and educators from all over the country. MIY Speakers Bureau Indianapolis youth speakers have appeared on ABC, CBS, Family Channel and even on TNN. He’s been interviewed by over 91 radio & talk shows, newspapers and magazines.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Speakers Bureau Indianapolis FREE Anti Bullying DVD Helps Schools And Youth Organizations Stop Bullying Once And For All

“More than half of the schools and youth organizations around the country use the wrong Anti Bullying and Character Education program curriculum for their students. Many schools and youth organizations find it hard to reach their youth with a lot of the current dated and boring Anti Bullying and Character Education material and end up throwing in the towel or waving the white flag from the frustration of not having the right Anti Bullying and Character Education curriculum that can educate, inform and engage their students.”

These controversial words come from one of the nations leading Anti Bullying and Character Education programplanner, Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re

Party Planners Indianapolisand are results of a recent survey by

“Bullying is a growing problem in schools and youth organizations all over our nation that not only effect students being bullied but the students being subjected to witnessing the bullying,” Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency IndianapolisTiphanny. “Studies have shown that students that are subjected to watching bullying or in a environment that seemingly condones bullying have a tougher time developing the necessary leadership, decision making and communication skills needed to excel in this information age.

With character education, decision making and communication skills lacking from the average student of this information age schools and youth organizations are fed up and are looking for a Anti Bullying and Character education program curriculum that keep their students competitive and reveals to them the dangers of bullying.

Anti Bullyingand Character education Anti Bullying and Character Education program, Speakers Bureau Indianapolis is offering for a limited time his DVD 5 Ways To Stop Bullying for FREE in hopes to of helping parents, teachers and administrators Stop Bullying. To claim your FREE DVD 5 Ways to stop bullying visit:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Speakers Bureau Indianapolis reveals key strategies to choosing the right School assembly Speaker Indianapolis.

Many people dream of graduating and getting a good paying job right away at their dream job. Whether they’re graduates from high school, trade school, community college or 4 year accredited universities, the first thing graduates do is apply for every position their degree states they are qualified for. Several months and a lot of frustration later they discover in this un-certain economy that you need to show a potential employer that you have the necessary anti bully and character education skills to be a good employee. The fact is, for most graduates, a degree isn’t the only qualifications employers are looking for in this economy.

“Employers in this un certain economy are looking for employees that poses the needed character education skills to help their companies grow,” explains Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re Party Planners Indianapolis..

Employees no longer have the time or resources to develop the character of their employees needed in this global economy, says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny. In addition to a degree you need to show the potential employer and current employer your leadership capabilities if you are to be success in the information age.

Many employers in fact, want to know more about your character, before they even consider you for a position in their company.

“Students and employees who don’t understand the importance of leadership training in this down economy will never get the advantage needed to be successful in the corporate world,” warns Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency IndianapolisTiphanny.

Monday, December 17, 2012

How to hire the right Motivational Keynote speaker to talk to your group.

Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, author, party planner Indianapolis and Event planners Indianapolis. She has identified a condition that prevents managers, directors and people in a leadership position from accepting or enjoying the success they deserve and desire in life. This condition is known as “leadership anorexia”, and affects thousands of people that are put in a leadership position.


         “People that are thrust in a leadership role without understanding the fundamental principles of being a effective leader,” explains Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re Party Planners Indianapolis. “After studying and working with effective leaders like Ivanka Trump, Bill Rancic and Kristie Frank all stars from the hit TV show The Apprentice, I was shocked to discover that many people didn’t understand the importance of leadership training and mentorship from successful and very effective leaders, and I found that subconsciously that they where afraid of the unknown so they would starve themselves from leadership knowledge, just like some people starve themselves from food.”

A person may have leadership anorexia if they are:

  • Intimately familiar with leadership training literature but can’t apply it to their own life.

  • Afraid of being less then perfect.

  • Have no idea of vision

  • Cannot adapt to change

Or if they:

  • Feel like a failure even when they’re succeeding

  • Isolate from others (physically and emotionally)

  • Believe that leadership means you have to step on other people

“Leadership anorexia is cured by teaching the individual the necessary leadership training skills needed to be an effective leader under any and every circumstance, and the benefits of constantly exercising effective leadership strategies,” explains Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Crucial Factor That Determines If you choose the right Speakers Bureau Indianapolis.

Many people dream of graduating and getting a good paying job right away at their dream job. Whether they’re graduates from trade schools, community college or 4 year accredited universities, the first thing graduates do is apply for every position their degree states they are qualified for. Several months and a lot of frustration later they discover in this un-certain economy that you need to show a potential employer. The fact is, for most graduates, a degree isn’t the only qualifications employers are looking for in this economy.

“Employers in this down economy are looking for employees that poses the needed leadership skills to help their companies grow,” explains Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny,a Event Planner Indianapolis expert, author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re a Party Planners Indianapolis.

Employees no longer have the time or resources to develop the leadership skills needed in this global economy, says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis TiphannyIn addition to a degree you need to show the potential employer and current employer your leadership capabilities if you are to be success in the information age.

Many employers in fact, want to know more about your leadership experience, before they even consider you for a position in their company.

“Students and employees who don’t understand the importance of leadership training in this down economy will never get the advantage needed to be successful in the corporate world,” warns Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

How to choose the right family entertainment for your holiday party and or event.

…states Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny.. She has identified a condition that prevents designated party planners Indianapolis, directors and people in a leadership position from accepting or enjoying the success they deserve and desire in life. This condition is known as “leadership anorexia”, and affects thousands of people that are put in a leadership position.

“People that are thrust in a leadership role without understanding the fundamental principles of being a effective leader,” explains Event Planner Indianapolis Tiphanny is the production manager for MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis with over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. She is a Party Planner Indianapolis expert and author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re Party Planners Indianapolis “After studying and working with effective leaders like Ivanka Trump, Bill Rancic and Kristie Frank all stars from the hit TV show The Apprentice, I was shocked to discover that many people didn’t understand the importance of leadership training and mentorship from successful and very effective leaders, and I found that subconsciously that they where afraid of the unknown so they would starve themselves from leadership knowledge, just like some people starve themselves from food.”

A person may have leadership anorexia if they are:

  • Intimately familiar with leadership training literature but can’t apply it to their own life.

  • Afraid of being less then perfect.

  • Have no idea of vision

  • Cannot adapt to change

Or if they:

  • Feel like a failure even when they’re succeeding

  • Isolate from others (physically and emotionally)

  • Believe that leadership means you have to step on other people

“Leadership anorexia is cured by teaching the individual the necessary leadership training skills needed to be an effective leader under any and every circumstance, and the benefits of constantly exercising effective leadership strategies,” explains Event Planner Indianapolis Tiphanny.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Crucial Factor That Determines Whether Or Not You choose the right Speakers Bureau Indianapolis to help you choose the right leadership speaker for your event.

         Many people dream of graduating and getting a good paying job right away at their dream job. Whether they’re graduates from trade schools, community college or 4 year accredited universities, the first thing graduates do is apply for every position their degree states they are qualified for. Several months and a lot of frustration later they discover in this un-certain economy that you need to show a potential employer. The fact is, for most graduates, a degree isn’t the only qualifications employers are looking for in this economy.

“Employers in this down economy are looking for employees that poses the needed leadership skills to help their companies grow,” explains Event Planner IndianapolisTiphanny is the production manager for MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis with over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. She is a Party Planner Indianapolis  expert and author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re Party Planners Indianapolis.

Employees no longer have the time or resources to develop the leadership skills needed in this global economy, says says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny. In addition to a degree you need to show the potential employer and current employer your leadership capabilities if you are to be success in the information age.

Many employers in fact, want to know more about your leadership experience, before they even consider you for a position in their company.

“Students and employees who don’t understand the importance of leadership development in this down economy will never get the advantage needed to be successful in the corporate world,” warns Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

How to hire the right Event Planners Indianapolis to help you choose the right entertainer or speaker for your event.

         “People that are thrust in a leadership role without understanding the fundamental principles of being a effective leader,” explains Event Planner IndianapolisTiphanny is the production manager for MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis, and production manager of, MIY Speakers Bureau Indianapolis the only Speakers bureau Indianapolis and Entertainment Agency Indianapolis. “After studying and working with effective leaders like Ivanka Trump, Bill Rancic and Kristie Frank all stars from the hit TV show The Apprentice, I was shocked to discover that many people didn’t understand the importance of leadership training  and mentorship from successful and very effective leaders, and I found that subconsciously that they where afraid of the unknown so they would starve themselves from leadership knowledge, just like some people starve themselves from food.”

…states Event Planner IndianapolisTiphanny is the production manager for MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis with over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. She is a Party Planner Indianapolis  expert and author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re Party Planners Indianapolis

A person may have leadership anorexia if they are:

  • Intimately familiar with leadership training literature but can’t apply it to their own life.

  • Afraid of being less then perfect.

  • Have no idea of vision

  • Cannot adapt to change

Or if they:

  • Feel like a failure even when they’re succeeding

  • Isolate from others (physically and emotionally)

  • Believe that leadership means you have to step on other people

“Leadership anorexia is cured by teaching the individual the necessary leadership training skills needed to be an effective leader under any and every circumstance, and the benefits of constantly exercising effective leadership strategies,” explains Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Crucial Factor That Determines Whether Or Not You Hire The Right Entertainment Agency Indianapolis.

Many people dream of graduating and getting a good paying job right away at their dream job. Whether they’re graduates from trade schools, community college or 4 year accredited universities, the first thing graduates do is apply for every position their degree states they are qualified for. Several months and a lot of frustration later they discover in this un-certain economy that you need to show a potential employer. The fact is, for most graduates, a degree isn’t the only qualifications employers are looking for in this economy.

“Employers in this down economy are looking for employees that poses the needed leadership skills to help their companies grow,” explains Event Planner Indianapolis Tiphanny who is the production manager for MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis with over 15 years experience producing presentations for associations and companies throughout the world.

Employees no longer have the time or resources to develop the leadership skills needed in this global economy, Says Speakers Bureau IndianapolisProduction Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny.In addition to a degree you need to show the potential employer and current employer your leadership capabilities if you are to be success in the information age.

Many employers in fact, want to know more about your leadership experience, before they even consider you for a position in their company.

“Students and employees who don’t understand the importance of leadership development in this down economy will never get the advantage needed to be successful in the corporate world,” warns Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to get the right Family Entertainment Indianapolis for your next event.

In every corporate event, many employees dread the corporate entertainment and feel very bored and not entertained in anyway; unfortunately 8 out of 10 people that go to a corporate function dread it because of the family entertainment Indianapolis at pass events was not fun and or entertaining.

“Finding the right family entertainment Indianapolis that will make a big impact and deliver a unforgettable entertainment that everyone can and will enjoy is no small task, but is very important if you want to make the event unforgettable.” says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny. “Avoiding failure choosing the right family entertainment Indianapolis is easily preventable. It’s easy steps that can be taken.”

What questions every event planner should ask them before hiring a family entertainment Indianapolis for you corporate event:

  • Do you have testimonials from clients that fit our profile?

  • What do you do to keep the audience engaged?

  • Can you tailor your show to our company slogan?

Event Planner Indianapolis Tiphanny is the production manager for MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis with over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. “It is important for event planners Indianapolis for corporate events, hire entertainment that won’t offend anyone, comedy magic is the perfect type of entertainment for any corporate event because everyone wants to laugh and everyone loves magic.”

Monday, December 10, 2012

Party Planner Indianapolis Reveals The Key points to hiring the right speaker or entertainer for you event.

In every school in America, many students dread the time they need to sit down and listen to the speaker talk about bullying and give a anti bully rah rah speech; unfortunately 8 out of 10 students that listen to the average anti bully speaker daydream and forget 90% of what the speaker was talking about.

“Finding the right anti bully and character education speaker that will make a big impact and deliver a unforgettable message that will change culture of your school and community is no small task, but is very important to get the right anti bully speaker, if you want to motivate the student of this era.” says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny. “To avoid failure of choosing a bad speaker for your assembly, youth rally or anti bully event. It’s easy steps that can be taken.”

What questions every event planner should ask a anti bully speaker before hiring them to speak at their youth event:

  • Do you have testimonials from clients that fit our profile?

  • What type of entertainment do you use to keep the audience engage?

  • Is your material relevant to the issues of what today’s students are going through?

  • Do you have any materials that we may be able to give to our students, to reinforce your anti bully message?

  • Can your presentation fit in any part of our event?

  • Do you have any presentations that can be presented to our teachers, staff and parents in a breakout session?

Event Planner IndianapolisTiphanny is the production manager for MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis with over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. She is a Party Planner Indianapolis  expert and author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’ve been elected to beParty Planners Indianapolis.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Family Entertainment Indianapolis Company Reveals The Key Points To Finding The Right Entertainment Or Speaker For Your Corporate Event.

In every corporate event, many employees dread the meet and great time and feel very un motivated to be motivated to have a great time and learn what they need to learn to be a better team player; unfortunately 8 out of 10 people that go to a corporate function dread it because of the family entertainment Indianapolis at pass events where not motivating or entertaining enough to be a impact.

“Finding the right family entertainment Indianapolis that will make a big impact and deliver a unforgettable message that will change lives for the better is no small task, but is very important if you want to motivate your guest.”,says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny. Author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tips, How to save time and money if your a Party Planners Indianapolis. “Avoiding failure choosing the right family entertainment Indianapolis is easily preventable. It’s easy steps that can be taken.”

What questions every event planner should ask them before starting hiring family entertainment Indianapolis to entertain for your event:

  • Do you have testimonials from clients that fit our profile?

  • What type of entertainment do you use to keep the audience engage?

  • Can you tailor your message to our group’s philosophy?

Event Planner Indianapolis Tiphanny is the production manager for MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis with over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. She is a Party Planner Indianapolis  expert and author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’ve been elected to be a Party Planners Indianapolis.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Entertainment Agency Indianapolis key tricks and tips to hiring the right speaker or entertainer for your event.

In every youth event, many students dread the time they need to sit down and listen to the youth speaker giving the keynote rah rah speech; unfortunately 8 out of 10 students that listen to the youth speaker day dream and forget 90% of what the speaker was talking about.

“Finding the right youth speaker that will make a big impact and deliver a unforgettable message that will change lives of your students is no small task, but is very important if you want to motivate the student of this era.” says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny. Author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tips, How to save time and money if your a Party Planners Indianapolis.  “Avoiding failure choosing the right youth speaker is easily preventable. It’s easy steps that can be taken.”

What questions every event planner should ask a youth speaker before hiring them to speak at their youth event:

  • Do you have testimonials from clients that fit our profile?

  • What type of entertainment do you use to keep the audience engage?

  • Can you tailor your message to our group’s philosophy?

  • Do you have any materials that we may be able to give to our students, to reinforce your message?

  • Can your presentation fit in any part of our event?

  • Do you have any presentations that can be put in a breakout session?

Event Planner IndianapolisTiphanny is the production manager for MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis with over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. She is a Party Planner Indianapolis  expert and author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re Party Planners Indianapolis.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Speaker Bureau Indianapolis reveals the key strategies to hiring the right keynote speaker or entertainer

In every corporate event, many employees dread the meet and great time and feel very un motivated to be motivated to have a great time and learn what they need to learn to be a better team player; unfortunately 8 out of 10 people that go to a corporate function dread it because of the motivational keynote speaker at pass events where not motivating or entertaining enough to be a impact.

“Finding the right keynote speaker that will make a big impact and deliver a unforgettable message that will change lives for the better is no small task, but is very important if you want to motivate your guest.” says Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny. Author of Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if your a Party Planners Indianapolis. “Avoiding failure choosing the right keynote speaker is easily preventable. It’s easy steps that can be taken.”

What questions every event planner should ask them before starting hiring a keynote speaker or entertainer for their group:

  • Do you have testimonials from clients that fit our profile?

  • What type of entertainment do you use to keep the audience engage?

  • Can you tailor your message to our group’s philosophy?

  • Do you have any materials that we may be able to give to our guest, to reinforce your message?

  • Can your presentation fit in any part of our event?

Event Planner Indianapolis Tiphanny is the production manager for MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis with over 15 years experience presenting presentations for associations and companies throughout the world. She is a Party Planner Indianapolis  expert and author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re Party Planners Indianapolis