Friday, September 13, 2013

School Assembly Indianapolis Speaker Reveals Three Ways To create The Self-Confidence In Any At-Risk Student.

We are living ina really negative society, is it any wonder why a lot of people’s self esteem and self worth is at a all time low. Societyrewards people for not having confidence in themselves, by allowing excuses and no accountability for not accomplishing anything. The reality is if you don’t have confidence in yourself you will neverfully fulfill your calling in life. 3 Proven Tips on how toBuild Your Self-Confidence.

1. Notice thatyou are created to solve a problem in this world and that someone’s life will not start until you enter it. Everythingcreated needs a person, place or thing to validate its existence. For example: A pencil needs something to write on to prove it is a pencil, glass needs some form of liquid to hold to prove it is a glass and a teacher needs students to prove they are a teacher. Seek and find what problem you was created to solve, a great way to do that is to find something you are passionate about in that is the problem you where called to unravel.

2. Associate yourself with folkswho’s fire is brighter then yours.

People in your lifetimecan only do four things in your life add, subtract, divide, or multiply. You want to always surround yourself with people that will add other positive people in your life and/or multiply positive people in your life. One great sign that you are hanging around the right type of people is that they are always positive. Positive people and battery chargers not drainers. The battery chargers are the type of people you want to surround yourself with at all times.

3. Fill every conversation that you have, with your goal inside it.

You must constantly fill your spirit and thoughts with something you want to build up your confidence for. Athletes understand this concept, football players imagine themselves running for thattouchdown, basketball players imagine themselves shooting the last second shot, what do you imagine you accomplishing. Put your goals in your constant conversation.

True Story: An organizationof foreign exchange students went to visit Disneyland when one of the students stated, “It would have beennice if Walt Disney was able to see this.” The escort replied to the student, ”Oh you don’t understand since hesaw this in his mind and spoke about it all a time, is because it is here.”

Thursday, September 12, 2013

School Assembly Indianapolis Speaker Reveals Three Ways To establish The Self-Confidence In almost At-Risk Student.

We are now living an extremely negative society, is it any wonder why a lot of people’s self esteem and self worth is at a all time low. Our society rewards people for not having confidence in themselves, by allowing excuses and no accountability for not accomplishing anything. The reality is if you don’t have confidence in yourself you'll neverfully fulfill your calling in life. 3 Proven Solutions to Build Your Self-Confidence.

1. Notice thatyou are created to solve a problem in this world and that someone’s life will not start until you enter it. Everything created needs a person, place or thing to validate its existence. For instance: A pencil needs something to write on to prove it is a pencil, glass needs some form of liquid to hold to prove it is a glass and a teacher needs students to prove they are a teacher. Seek and find what problem you was created to solve, a great way to do that is to find something you are passionate about in that is the problem you where called to eliminate.

2. Associate yourself with individuals who’s fire is brighter then yours.

People in your lifetimecan only do four things in your life add, subtract, divide, or multiply. You want to always surround yourself with people that will add other positive people in your life and/or multiply positive people in your life. One great sign that you are hanging around the right type of people is that they are always positive. Positive people and battery chargers not drainers. The battery chargers are the type of people you want to surround yourself with at all times.

3. Fill every conversation that you have, with your goal inside it.

You must constantly fill your spirit and thoughts with something you want to build up your confidence for. Athletes understand this concept, football players imagine themselves running for thattouchdown, basketball players imagine themselves shooting the last second shot, what do you imagine you accomplishing. Put your goals in your constant conversation.

True Story: A groupof foreign exchange students went to visit Disneyland when one of the students stated, “It would've beennice if Walt Disney was able to see this.” The escort replied to the student, ”Oh you don’t understand because hesaw this in his mind and spoke about it all a time, is because it is here.”

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Teacher professional development suggestions about educating students with Oppositional Defiance Disorder.

The American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, (DSM-IV) defines oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) as a recurrent pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient, and hostile behavior toward authority figures that persists for at least half a year. Behaviors contained in thedefinition are losing one’s temper; arguing with adults; actively defying requests; refusing to go byrules; deliberately annoying many people; blaming others for one’s own mistakes or misbehavior; being touchy, easily annoyed or angered, resentful, spiteful, or vindictive.

ODD is generallydiagnosed when a child has a persistent or consistent pattern of disobedience and hostility toward parents, teachers, or other adults. The standardsfor ODD are met only whenthe problem behaviors occur more frequently in the child than in other children of the same age and developmental level. These behaviors cause significant difficulty withfamily and friends, and the oppositional behaviors are identicalboth at home and in school. Sometimes, ODD may be a precursor of a conduct disorder. Co morbidity of ODD with ADHD has been reported to occur in 50%-65% of affected children. ODD is not diagnosed if the problematic behaviors occur exclusively with a mood or psychotic disorder.

Teacher professional development useful information onThe Don’ts of Communicating to a student with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)


• Use long lectures.

• Be oppositional yourself.

• Use a loud angry voice.

• Use negative body gesture.

• Revisit earlier problems.

• Blame yourself or other people.

• Make assumptions about a child’s behavior.

• Label the youngsterwith negative names.

Teacher professional development advice onThe Do’s of Communicating to a student with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)


• Use short explanations of ten words or fewer.

• Say precisely whatyou want.

• Speak calmly and clearly.

• Make eye contactand manage yourfacial expression, posture, and gestures.

• Talk about what is happening right now.

• Focus on solutions, not problems.

• Ask questions and acquirefeedback.

• See the child as a whole person with good and bad points.

“Many of these methods can beused onevery day basisin my presentation for teachers, educators and administrators I show them easy to implement exercises they can use in the classroom,” says Jamahl Keyes, author, speaker and Teacher Professional development in service trainer. “It is a mustfor teachers to understand how to use these strategies so that you have the needed skills to resolve any conflict in the classroom large or small.”

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The best guide to hiring the right corporate entertainment Indianapolis and party entertainment Indianapolis for your party.


Employing anentertainer for your get together can be quite adaunting task. You’re calling complete strangers to come into your business or hometo entertain severalfriends, business associatesor children. And you want this to be memorable for all the right reasons - not “the birthday when the magician never showed up” or “that party when the clown kept making inappropriate jokes and smelled like cigarettes”. How do you findand hire the right corporate entertainment or party entertainment for this unique job? Here are somequestions that you should ask the corporate entertainment Indianapolis or Party entertainment Indianapolis prior to gettingthem.

Request adescription of the corporate entertainment Indianapolis or party entertainment Indianapolis. Is it interactive? Like, Is there a sample video online?

the charge? Remember, the highest pricedis not necessarily the top.

Is there a corporate entertainment or party entertainment show length? Are there anyoptions?

anythingwithin theprice, for instanceDVD’s, Free magic tricks prizes, etc.?

Is a deposit required?
What forms ofpayment do theyaccept, and when is it due?

What happensif you need to cancel due to asick child or bad weather? Just how muchspace will theyneed?

Can theyperform at your chosen venue, whether itbe the beach, a park, perhapshome?

Are they going toneed access to electricity for speakers or

The amount of timewill they need to set up?

Ask if the entertainer has performed at any events
just likeone you might haveplanned.

the individualprovide names to call for references? In order tofilm or photograph the show, is that OK?

On the dayof the party, make sure an area is set aside and ready for the entertainer. Minimize distractions during theshow so the children can enjoyit and so you get your money’s worth. Provide another area for adults who want to converse so they don’t distract from the show. The suitable corporate entertainment and party entertainment can make a party memory that will last a lifetime. In the event youwork with apro, you can relax knowing that the guests are having a thrilling time, you’re getting your money’s worth, and your party will be remembered -for all the right reasons!


How to Choose the most suitable Corporate Entertainment Indianapolis or Party Entertainment Indianapolis for ones Corporate Event Entertainment.


You may haveeverything set for your employee appreciation event or customer appreciation event. Your CEO introduces the corporate entertainment Indianapolis for the evening and then, slowly, everything comes crashing to a halt. Instead of thelaughter and applause that you hoped to hear, you hear silence and heavy sighs. The party entertainment Indianapolis, which you thought was the rightcorporate entertainment for your group, panics and starts insulting the people. You slowly slink intoyour chair and wonder ifyour resume is up-to-date.

As thefood may begreat and the room looks beautiful, these will be quickly forgotten. What your group won’t forget is how miserable they felt watching the corporate entertainment or party entertainment you chose to add some “fun” and excitement” to your event. It’s odd that, sometimes, an events coordinator will spend months on planning certain facets ofan event - food, hotel, decorations, etc - but wait to the last secondto bookthe proper corporate event entertainment.

Below are a fewcorporate entertainment Indianapolis and entertainment ideas Indianapolis that will help you to make the right personal choice ofa corporate entertainer for your next meeting or event.

Do your homework- Stop
relying upona speaker’s agency or entertainment agency to always book your talent. Many leading corporate entertainers don’t necessarily work with agents and, therefore, you can miss out onsome great talent. While agents can be a good source for talent, they are not the only way to go. Don’t think that just because a corporate entertainer is on the agent’s roster that the agent has actually worked with that talent. Should you be willing to “broaden your options,” do a Google search for terms like corporate entertainment Indianapolis, entertainment ideas or party entertainment. Here you will find many corporate entertainers that can help you add the “WOW” the answer toyour event.

View A View Demos-
Once you havechosen an entertainer or two, carefully watch the talent’s demo and see if he/she is a good fit for your group. This is the fastest way to confirm that the particular corporate entertainment Indianapolis or party entertainment will work for you and saves you time - because if you don’t like the video, you can quickly move on to your next candidate. While watching the demo, see if the talent has worked for similar groups. Notice the demographics of the group. Does the video reveal crowd reactions? Is the laughter and applause real or is it canned? Are there multiple performance clips or is the video mostly one performance? Did the corporate entertainer receive multiple standing ovations or just one?

the internet site- If you like the demo, peruse the talent’s site to see exactly what type of corporate entertainment or entertainment ideas he or she provides. Observe if the corporate entertainer has a number ofprogram options.

Bottom line: Making the effortto find the right corporate entertainment Indianapolis, entertainment ideas or party entertainment for onescorporate event does require “time.” However, event planners take the time to: plan multiple site visits; make copious calls to hotel catering; agonize over decorations, strategize hotel bookings and loads more to make sure the event is a success. Don’t let your decision for your corporate event entertainment be one of the last things you do, and don’t always leave it up to one source. Remember, your group probably won’t remember just whatthey ate or the information ofthe decorations on the table, but they will never forget how miserable they deemedwatching a lousy corporate entertainer.


School Assembly Indianapolis Speaker Reveals 3 ways To build up The Self-Confidence In Any At-Risk Student.

We are living insuch anegative society, is it any wonder why a lot of people’s self esteem and self worth is at a all time low. Our societyrewards people for not having confidence in themselves, by allowing excuses and no accountability for not accomplishing anything. The reality is if you don’t have confidence in yourself you will not everfully fulfill your calling in life. 3 Proven Methods toBuild Your Self-Confidence.

1. Know thatyou are created to solve a problem in this world and that someone’s life will not start until you enter it. Everythingcreated needs a person, place or thing to validate its existence. One example is: A pencil needs something to write on to prove it is a pencil, glass needs some form of liquid to hold to prove it is a glass and a teacher needs students to prove they are a teacher. Seek and find what problem you was created to solve, a great way to do that is to find something you are passionate about in that is the problem you where called to eliminate.

2. Associate yourself with otherswho’s fire is brighter then yours.

People in your lifecan only do four things in your life add, subtract, divide, or multiply. You want to always surround yourself with people that will add other positive people in your life and/or multiply positive people in your life. One great sign that you are hanging around the right type of people is that they are always positive. Positive people and battery chargers not drainers. The battery chargers are the type of people you want to surround yourself with at all times.

3. Fill every conversation that you have, with your goal inside.

You must constantly fill your spirit and thoughts with something you want to build up your confidence for. Athletes understand this concept, football players imagine themselves running for thattouchdown, basketball players imagine themselves shooting the last second shot, what do you imagine you accomplishing. Put your goals in your constant conversation.

True Story: A groupof foreign exchange students went to visit Disneyland when one of the students stated, “It would've beennice if Walt Disney was able to see this.” The escort replied to the student,”Oh you don’t understand since hesaw this in his mind and spoke about it all a time, is because it is here.”

Monday, September 9, 2013

Conflict Resolution Expert To Host Teacher Professional Development Program For The Upcoming School Year.

Conflict Resolution expert and Top Selling author Jamahl Keyes will be presenting his new Teachers Professional Development program, How to stop conflict in the classroom this upcoming school year.

“Studies are showing that teachers are spending to much precious and needed time disciplining and trying to re direct students in the classroom do to conflict.” Say Jamahl Keyes top selling author, conflict resolution expert and teachers professional development trainer. “My workshop How to stop conflict in the classroom gives teachers some easy to implement techniques and strategies to stop any type of conflict big or small in the classroom, through case studies, demonstrations and examples I give teachers and educators some great techniques to add to their arsenal.”

Last year Jamahl Keyes top selling author, conflict resolution expert and teachers professional development trainer, was praised by parents, teachers and administrators for his breakthrough and straight to the point conflict resolution strategies.

His program is a program that any Teachers Professional Development in-service day can use. With the rising of violence in the classroom and the blunt disrespect for authority by today’s student this program helps teachers educate the students that are not disruptive while resolving any issues with the students that are. The latest conflict resolution statistics shows that teachers that implement some form of conflict resolution in the classroom saves the teacher and student precious time that can be used to learn.

“Think about it, the average school day is eight hours, take away two of those just because of specials like gym, art, music now you have six hours, maybe, the average conflict in the classroom is thirty five minutes of disruption and it takes another thirty minutes for the entire class to get focused once again, poof that brings the total to five hours, my Teachers Professional Development program, how to stop conflict in the classroom will help any teacher stop conflict at a fraction of the time.” states Jamahl. 

How to choose the right corporate entertainment Indianapolis or party entertainment Indianapolis for your next event.


It's really atruth universally acknowledged that allgood event needs appropriate entertainment. Now when wasthe last time you went to a wedding eventwith no band or dj, no dance floor, no comedy magicians? Or perhapscorporate dinner where the sole focus was the beef wellington? Getting the corporate entertainment Indianapolis right, party entertainment Indianapolis or any entertainment ideas is among themost crucial aspects in determining the success of any special event.


Working with acomedy magician is a well-likedchoice forsporting and social club events, fundraisers, corporate events, birthdays, and weddings. And for a good reason! An experiencedcomedy magician can provide your guests with a night they’ll forever keep in mind. But you want it to be for the right reasons. You don’t want everyone that is witnessing your choice for corporate entertainment and/or party entertainment or entertainment Ideas remembering your work at the holiday event function because the comedy magician offended Julie from payroll so profoundly, she promptly talked about it next weekat work. Picking out thecorporate entertainment that suits the tone of your event and the sensibilities of your guests is paramount. Enlisting the services of a seasoned professional that are experts corporate entertainment Indianapolis or party entertainment Indianapolis means make no mistake-you can be proud that you made the right choice. Seasoned entertainers that specialize in entertaining all types ofaudiences, such as The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes, provide clients with forms specifying exactly what they want to gain. This helpsJamahl Keyes tailor his comedy magic show material and routines to suit the requirements of any client. Eliminating the fear factor- ‘oh my god, what are they going to say?!’ is one of the reasons to chooseThe Magic Of Jamahl Keyes that allows you to set the boundaries of what’s acceptable and what’s not for your guests.ed for.



Sunday, September 8, 2013

The 5 Parent Involvement Strategies That could Guarantee Your Childs Success In class.

This comingschool year a large number ofstudents will step onto an institutioncampus to begin witha school year that they hope will give them great memories and most of all the needed skills being productive in school and society.

“Unfortunately most studentswill not reach their full potential,” says Jamahl Keyes, top selling author, Student Leadership speaker, and teacher professional development trainer and parent Involvement lecturer. “Studies have shown that single parents or two parent households that are active in some type of capacity in their child’s academic life are Eight to tentimes almost certainly going tohave a child that is successfulin college and in the corporate world.”

Here are Jamahl Keyes, top selling author, Student Leadership speaker, teacher professional development trainer and parent Involvement lecturer, 5 Parent Involvement Strategies That couldGuarantee Your son or daughterSuccess In class:

Read to or with yourchild regularly, and encourage them to read every day. If your childis in junior high schoolor high schoolstart a book club between the family, this will force your son or daughterto discuss what is going on in their life and give you being a parenta clear view oftheir perspective on life.

Approach homework like it is a job not a burden. This will give them a needed respect for productive habits. They shouldhave similardedicated time every single nightand/or afternoon for homework and or studying.

Volunteer at yourchild’s school twicea school year. This is a biggie, because it gives you a chance to see who they connect toand who they need tointeract with.

Become familiar withyour child’s teacher, in the realm ofthe internetand emails, there is absolutely noexcuse for this not to happen. Communication is the vital thing!

Discuss frequently the way yourchild feels about school. This issomething thatis often looked over by parents because life gets in the way. Often times parents discuss their child’s feelings about school when it is to late.

Jamahl Keyes, top selling author of the student leadership development book “Can’t Quit It Until You get the 5 Student Leadership success secrets for students, teacher professional development trainer and parent Involvement lecturer, has helped 1000s ofparents, teachers and mentors obtain the mostout of their students and children. His straightforward easy to implement strategies have been featured in seminars and lectures in 7 different countries.

The best way to Hire Corporate Entertainment Indianapolis For the next Event.


Living inIndianapolis, IN has it advantages in several ways. You will find alot of things to do everywhere in thecircle city and surrounding cities.

You will seeparties and special engagements and events all around the city month in month outfrom Winter to summer. Among all the parties that people celebrate in Indianapolis, IN, celebrations, company parties, club parties and association parties are all some of the greatest ones. The most perfect type of party entertainment Indianapolis for any event is a magician, because people likemagic.

The nationally recognized and top rated party entertainment magician Indianapolis,IN Jamahl Keyes is the lead anchor of great entertainment for over Twenty years. As a event planner or coordinator, if you have any kind ofupcoming soon and are in need of professional family friendly fun entertainment, you might want to know about The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes the party entertainment Indianapolis specialist you will be feel comfortable knowingto know that Jamahl Keyes experience as corporate entertainment means that you will not need to worry about the entertainment portion of your event.

Jamahl Keyes has long beenhired to open a event and has also been hired as a key elementto help the event move along. You and your guest is the main focus of his party entertainment. So when you decide to choose some type of entertainment for your upcoming party event consider acomedy magician for your party entertainment Indianapolis. The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes show uses comedy, audience participation, mind-reading and Illusions staged to big band jazz. His top ratedshow has been featured on NBC, CBS, TNN and The family Channel, he has recently beenfeatured on Holland America Cruises, Princess Cruise line and Norwegian. There'sliterally no type of party entertainment Indianapolis audience that he has not performed for.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes Magician Indianapolis Shows Exactly why he is a premiered stand up comedian Indianapolis Stands Above the Rest For Entertainment Ideas.


Indy Magic Monthly is will be producing their 76th show at the Theatre On The Square, Tuesday, July 9,2013. The show will be having a stand up comedian Indianapolis crowd favorite The Theatre and Dance Magic of the best rated Jamahl Keyes.

“I'm so excited to be returning to Indy magic monthly, it’s been awhile since I’ve experiencedthat beautiful stage. What I love about that audience is their love and appreciation for theatre the show’s producer Taylor Martin always mixes an awesomecollection  of stand up comedians Indianapolisentertainment Ideas it makes the show more excitingand fun.”

The Illusion show will be July 9,2013, doors will open at 7:00 pm and the show will start 7:30pm at Theatre On The Square, 627 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, IN tickets are availableonline at Indy Magic Monthly’s website.

The big eventwill have among the best stand up comedian Indianapolis Entertainment Ideas of performers on the planet. Comedy magician Jamahl Keyes, will amaze and entertain the audience with his smooth style of mixing jazz, dancing and Illusions. The funny offbeat magic of Steve Hart, will tickle the funnybone of the audience young and small. And last and surelynot least the mindreading miracles of Trinity.

Along withthese threeamazing performers, the show will be MC’d by the shows producer Taylor Martin. If you’re searching for agreat entertainment ideas for July 9,2013 your search is overcome to the Theatre On The Square at 627 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 7:00pm. Get thoseticket fast before they 


Allow me to help any student in elementary, middle school or secondary school reach their full potential with any one of my highest rated youth programs guaranteed.

These incredibly powerful words are derived fromJamahl Keyes, the nation’s leading authority on youth leadership and character education, top selling author and creator of some breakthrough youth programs that educate students in an exceedinglyinnovative and interactive way.

Jamahl Keyes is definitely a powerful and simple speaker in all of his youth programs. His programs help educate students and parents on:

• The need forCharacter development, how this can make or break your success in school and life.

• How every student should pay attention totheir student leadership if they are to reach your goalsin college and in the corporate world.

• How to make yourself do somethingeven wheneveryone surrounding youis just notmotivated.

Jamahl Keyes, the nation’s leading authority on youth leadership and character education, top selling author and creator of some breakthrough youth programs, has presented his innovative and breakthrough programs for schools, teachers and parents all over the world.

What separates his youth programs from theother is his ability to relate to any and every students situation they may be in. “The secret is my 8 years of educating middle school and high school students and my Five yearsof expertise being the violence prevention coordinator for the City of South Bend, IN where I had to develop and implement youth programs that taught leadership and character development.” states Jamahl Keyes.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis to help Middle School Students across the country.

This upcoming school year is a Anti Bully and Character education assembly Indianapolis that will benefit junior high schoolas well asschool students of the manybackground andcultures.

“Unlike other Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis Programs that gear their program to elementary school students with the anxiety aboutcreating and presenting a entertaining and educationalprogram for junior high schooland High school students, this program is created specificallyto tackle the issuesthat Middle School and High School students.”, said Jamahl Keyes, Top Selling Author, Youth Leadership Speaker and Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker.

The Magic In You, Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis uses Comedy, Real-Life Story Telling, Mind Reading and interactive understanding how topoint outkey pointsthat will helpstudents that are victims of bullying stop from being bullied, creative ways for students that witness bullying to report it and a character education message for the students that will getattention from bullying others.

“Because of my 10 years practical experienceworking in a junior high schoolclassroom and being the violence prevention coordinator for the City of South Bend where I worked withat risk High School students on a daily, I recognizethe necessity toreach these students and educate them about character and youth leadership, states Jamahl Keyes, Top Selling Author, Youth Leadership Speaker and Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes Magician Indianapolis Shows The reason why Comedy Magic Appears Above the Rest For Party Entertainment Indianapolis Ideas.


Indy Magic Monthly is will be producing their 76th show at the Theatre On The Square, Tuesday, July 9,2013. The show will be having acrowd favorite The Theatre and Dance Magic of the best rated Jamahl Keyes.

“I'm so excited to be returning toIndy magic monthly, it’s been awhile since I’ve experiencedthat beautiful stage. What I love about that audience is their love and appreciation for theatre the show’s producer Taylor Martin always mixes an excellentcollection of party entertainment Indianapolis Ideas it makes the show more excitingand fun.”

The Illusion show will be July 9,2013, doors will open at 7:00 pm and the show will start 7:30pm at Theatre On The Square, 627 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, IN tickets can be acquiredonline at Indy Magic Monthly’s website.

The eventwill have some of the best Entertainment Ideas of performers on the planet. Party entertainment Indianapolis comedy magician Jamahl Keyes, will amaze and entertain the audience with his smooth style of mixing jazz, dancing and Illusions. The funny offbeat magic of Steve Hart, will tickle the funnybone of the audience young and small. And last and surelynot least the mindreading miracles of Trinity.

In addition tothese 3amazing performers, the show will be MC’d by the shows producer Taylor Martin. If you’re searching for agreat entertainment ideas for July 9,2013 look no furthercome to the Theatre On The Square at 627 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 7:00pm. Get thoseticket fast before they vanish!


Corporate Entertainment Indianapolis Favorite Jamahl Keyes to Headline With the Magic Capital Of The World Abootts Magic Get Together Colon,MI


Abbotts 76th annual magic Get-Together convention will behosting the return of top rated comedy magician Jamahl Keyes Thursday, August 8,2013 8:00pm. His show will include his top ratedMinnie The Moocha routine, Big spender Illusion and a few more surprises all presented with his theatrical dancing and comedy style.

“I’m so excited to be back at the Magic Capital Of The World,” says Corporate Entertainment Indianapolis specialist Jamahl Keyes, “I haven’t been to Abbott’s in about 8 years since then I have performed my show in Japan, Italy and Spain to simplyname some, I look forwardto presenting some of my new Illusions on the stage I’m sure the old convention faithful will love.”

The show will takeplace on Thursday, August 8,2013 and will start promptly 8:00 pm. Also appearing on the programwill beanother corporate entertainment Indianapolis favorites like Ken Groves the ventriloquist who has appeared on America’s Got Talent, Doc Swan the sideshow wizard you’ll see him walk on glass swallow swords and stick needle in his arm (and that’s just the opener) and the Illusions of Cindy & Tracy Allen this incredible duo will amaze you with their very astonishing and entertaining Illusion style. The MC is definitely thehilarious Artie Kidwell.

“In addition to my Minnie The Moocha and Big Spender Illusion I'll bealso be presenting my brand-newsmartphonemind reading effect, where I will read someone’s mind anywhere on the planet using a random persons cellular phone from the audience, you won’t choose tomiss this.” states, the corporate entertainment Indianapolis favorite Jamahl Keyes.