Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Speakers Bureau Indianapolis FREE Anti Bullying DVD Helps Schools And Youth Organizations Stop Bullying Once And For All

“More than half of the schools and youth organizations around the country use the wrong Anti Bullying and Character Education program curriculum for their students. Many schools and youth organizations find it hard to reach their youth with a lot of the current dated and boring Anti Bullying and Character Education material and end up throwing in the towel or waving the white flag from the frustration of not having the right Anti Bullying and Character Education curriculum that can educate, inform and engage their students.”

These controversial words come from one of the nations leading Anti Bullying and Character Education programplanner, Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency Indianapolis Tiphanny, author of two top selling books,Event Planner Indianapolis Tricks & Tips, How to save time and money if you’re

Party Planners Indianapolisand are results of a recent survey by

“Bullying is a growing problem in schools and youth organizations all over our nation that not only effect students being bullied but the students being subjected to witnessing the bullying,” Speakers Bureau Indianapolis Production Manager of MIY Entertainment Agency IndianapolisTiphanny. “Studies have shown that students that are subjected to watching bullying or in a environment that seemingly condones bullying have a tougher time developing the necessary leadership, decision making and communication skills needed to excel in this information age.

With character education, decision making and communication skills lacking from the average student of this information age schools and youth organizations are fed up and are looking for a Anti Bullying and Character education program curriculum that keep their students competitive and reveals to them the dangers of bullying.

Anti Bullyingand Character education Anti Bullying and Character Education program, Speakers Bureau Indianapolis is offering for a limited time his DVD 5 Ways To Stop Bullying for FREE in hopes to of helping parents, teachers and administrators Stop Bullying. To claim your FREE DVD 5 Ways to stop bullying visit:

1 comment:

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