Friday, August 23, 2013

School Assembly Indianapolis Speaker Reveals Three Ways To Build Your Self-Confidence In Any At-Risk Student.

We live in such a negative society, is it any wonder why a lot of people’s self esteem and self worth is at a all time low. Our society rewards people for not having confidence in themselves, by allowing excuses and no accountability for not accomplishing anything. The reality is if you don’t have confidence in yourself you will never fully fulfill your calling in life. 3 Proven Ways To Build Your Self-Confidence.

1.  Recognize that you where created to solve a problem in this world and that someone’s life will not start until you enter it.

All things created needs a person, place or thing to validate its existence. For example: A pencil needs something to write on to prove it is a pencil, glass needs some form of liquid to hold to prove it is a glass and a teacher needs students to prove they are a teacher. Seek and find what problem you was created to solve, a great way to do that is to find something you are passionate about in that is the problem you where called to solve.

2.  Associate yourself with people who’s fire is brighter then yours.

People in your life can only do four things in your life add, subtract, divide, or multiply. You want to always surround yourself with people that will add other positive people in your life and/or multiply positive people in your life. One great sign that you are hanging around the right type of people is that they are always positive. Positive people and battery chargers not drainers. The battery chargers are the type of people you want to surround yourself with at all times.


3.  Fill every conversation that you have, with your goal in it.

You must constantly fill your spirit and thoughts with something you want to build up your confidence for. Athletes understand this concept, football players imagine themselves running for a touchdown, basketball players imagine themselves shooting the last second shot, what do you imagine you accomplishing. Put your goals in your constant conversation.

True Story: A group a foreign exchange students went to visit Disneyland when one of the students stated, “It would have been nice if Walt Disney was able to see this.” The escort replied to the student, ”Oh you don’t understand because he saw this in his mind and spoke about it all a time, is because it is here.”

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Here are 5 Parent Involvement Tips Parents should know to help their child overcoming any limitations to keep them from the pitfalls of school and life.

Parent Involvement Tip One:

Everyone has weaknesses…

Some of the greatest achievers in the world, became great not because of their strengths but because of them recognizing their weaknesses and surrounding themselves with the necessary people to make them greater.

Parent Involvement Tip Two:

 Admitting your weakness…

When you admit to any type of weakness two things can only happen. One you give up and give in or two you give in and get help. Admitting to any type of weakness shows humility and humility attracts teachers and mentors. If you act as if you know it all, you will fall. There is an old saying, “When the student is ready the teacher will appear.” When you admit to a weakness, you activate compassion in others.

Parent Involvement Tip Three:

If you do not acknowledge your limitations, you will never grow…

This is a biggie, how many times do we continue to ignore the elephant in the room. When we ignore a personal weakness, it grows and multiplies. Never deny your shortcomings. Facing your limitations is the key to you conquering them.

Parent Involvement Tip Four:

When you try to do everything yourself, you prevent others needed to help you…

People around you will feel unnecessary, insignificant, and un important and you lose the purpose of them being in your life. Pride moves people away from you and not towards you.

Parent Involvement Tip Four:

Something inside of others, long to become necessary to you…

High achievers understand that they need other people to participate in their quest to success. They need you and you need them. For example: When a child ask for help from a parent. Something inside of the parent is sparked and the parent is excited to help. Why?, because the child needs them. This works the same with our limitations, something inside of someone in your life right now can help unleash the bondage of limitation.

Teacher Professional Development Student Conflict Resolution Approaches to Effectively Communicating Successfully With Students In The Classroom.

All communication is often divided into two classes, Questions or Statement. One will always follow the other. The only question is which will follow; and you can always have complete control over your portion of the conversation or negotiation. Negotiation is when two or more people communicate withthe stage thatchanging their relationship.

Possibilities In Table Form:

Question - Question

Question - Statement

Statement - Question

Statement - Statement

If an individual ask you a question you will respond with either a question or a statement. If I make a statement you will respond with either a question or a statement. If we keep asking other questions we will delve further into the area of interest. If either of us stops asking questions , then we are beginning a close. If a statement follows a statement, we have arrived at the close. The only question isHOW did we close! Did one or both of us get what we wanted or did we both finish without the hoped for results.

If we want to conclude negotiations successfully we have to remember this. When we produce astatement to someone we risk premature closure. As long as we are continuing to pursue information we remain in control of the negotiation and it will continue.

When someone is ready to close when they communicate they should do the following:

Present their very best case and then SHUT UP! / Then he who speaks first loses!!

It won'tassure a WIN-WIN but it will invariably generate a short termwin for you if that is all that you are concerned about. This techniqueis not recommended as something to use but rather as something that works.


It is easy to say that if one will confront things that they can and will not be handled and that unhandled things are problems and that handled things are not. Possible handled things are called opportunities. If onesees something that they plan to handle it, it is referred to as opportunity.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to hire the right Anti Bully and Character development assembly speaker For your next School Assembly Indianapolis.

Let’s get straight to the point here.  The summer will come to a close before you know it and you’ll be left thinking, “Darn, I didn’t hire a speaker yet for our elementary, middle school or highschool Anti Bully and Character development school assembly event.

Your thoughts are:

1.  I want a seasoned student leadership speaker that will relate to our students.                                   

2.  I want the Anti Bully and Character Development message that can connect and make a defining point that will be remember the entire school year.                                                                     

3.  I want a student leadership speaker that can address all of the current issues facing the students of today in a entertaining way and not bore the students to death.

The challenge for you is to find yourself an Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program that will make you look like a HERO to your students for the present and future.  You want a Anti Bully and Character development speaker that can help enhance the culture and spirit of your school setting the new year on the right note.

Here are three tips in selecting a great Anti Bully and Character Development program for your next school assembly:

1.  Do your research.  You might have brochures, post cards, flyers, in the school assembly folder that have come through direct mail.  Also, google Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly on the internet.  Don’t always look at the sponsored searches because speakers pay to be listed.  Also look at the organic searches right under the sponsored links.  The higher they are rated organically tells you quite a bit – How long they’ve been speaking, how relevant they are to the search term “Keywords” you’ve used, and their popularity as an expert representing that keyword.

When you find a speaker, two, or three that you like make contact with that speaker by phone, email, or by website.

2.  Make Contact with Speaker(s).  You are the coordinator of the school assembly or conference you are planning so you know what you want in terms of a Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program and the overall theme of your event.  You can’t expect the speaker to know.  Therefore, I am sure in looking at the speakers website and videos you now have a decent idea of what you know the speaker speaks about or the speakers style.  Don’t assume.  That is why you are making contact with the speaker.

3.  Ask for more information.  You have discussed your budget and the speaker’s fee.  Now it is time to ask for more information as you are considering hiring this speaker.  Ask for a media kit or the speakers packet of information.  The speaker should gladly send you more information.

Some speakers say, “All the information is available on the website.”  Some speakers have more information that they can send you such as:

a.    Letters of reference

b.    Video of a recent talk

c.    Flyers

This information should help you in hiring the perfect Anti Bully and Character Development speaker for your next event.

Finding the perfect Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program isn’t easy.  It is rather stressful when you are trying to select a speaker that can impact young impressionable minds.  Your job is to find a speaker that can relate to your students.

Today’s students want a speaker that is real, entertaining and direct.  They want one that treats them like young adults and doesn’t disrespect them by speaking down to them.  Find a speaker that will leave a lasting impression and that will touch hearts and change lives!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Five ways to raise funds for your school assembly speaker.

This upcoming school year more schools and youth organizations will be looking for speakers to speak to their students for school assemblies. Below are five proven and tested ways to raise the needed funds to get speakers to present school assemblies.

Here are award winning youth speaker Jamahl Keyes five fundraising secrets to raise funds for a school assembly:

1.    Most schools have student activities funds that may be available for this purpose.

2.    Many schools have Coca-Cola or other vending machines. The principal of that school is given $500-$700  from the profits of the machine to use for discretionary purposes such as this.

3.    Parent organizations such as PTA’s, PTO’s or Parent Communication Networks are willing supporters of programs such as this.

4.    The Community Education Organizations in your community are supportive of programs such as this.

5.    Occasionally there are private benefactors (such as companies, group organizations in your area) who have community service funds that they use to assist positive functions in the community. Simply call companies in your area and ask for help. The company will receive newspaper, radio, online and TV exposure (if available) many seasoned youth speakers like Jamahl Keyes, discuss in his interviews how the event is able to take place because of the company support. Seasoned youth speakers like Jamahl Keyes wears a company shirt, hat or other materials containing their name/logo during the event and in any press photos. This is a great opportunity for the company to receive free publicity for helping a great cause.

This method of fundraising is very popular in the speaking circuit and is expected very well for both school/organizations and the company. Some companies will even want to arrange to sponsor the program for the entire district, county, or state so that all schools in their area can participate in the program.

Youth leadership speaker Jamahl Keyes has over 20 years experience presenting school assemblies on topics like, Anti Bully and Character education, youth leadership and College Success to just name a few. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

How to educate your students about bullying and build the Character Development skills needed to be successful in school and life.

The Magic Motivator-Jamahl Keyes, Author, speaker and Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker is the president and founder of The Magic In You International, a company that educates students about Anti Bully and Character Development. As a author and award winning Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, he is a expert on Character Development education.

The Magic Motivator- Jamahl Keyes has over 20 years experience in secondary education as a teacher and trainer for at-risk students for 8 years he was the violence prevention coordinator for the City of South Bend Martin Luther King Center where he development the Soldier program a program that was designed to take at-risk youth and teach them life skills and youth leadership skills to help them be successful in school, college and life. The Director of the program Susan Connor was quoted saying, “You turned the program around so fast, it was like magic.”, thus the name The magic Motivator was born.

Based on Jamahl’s great Anti Bully and Character Development education techniques and experiences gained from teaching and educating students in elementary school, middle school and high school, he has become The Magic Motivator. Today, he travels the globe educating the students about the importance of Anti Bully and Character Development education.

He easily captures the attention of students, staff, teachers and parents with his fast paced up beat tempo style of speaking. His programs consist of audience participation, real-life stories, comedy and mind reading magic effects to point out key points and solutions to the Anti Bullying epidemic. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Nationally Recognized Anti Bully And Character Development Speaker Jamahl Keyes 3 Ways Any Parent Can Bullyproof Their Child For The School Year.

This August millions of students will step onto a school campus eager to start the school year. Statistics show that 8 out of 10 students will either be bullied or witness someone being bullied several times throughout the school year.

“This is a tragedy”, says The Magic Motivator Jamahl Keyes, top selling author and  award winning Anti Bully and Character Development assembly speaker. ”every student in school nomatter their age or grade level can easily be bully proofed if their parents implement these bullyproof strategies.”

Here are The Magic Motivator Jamahl Keyes, top selling author and  award winning Anti Bully and Character Development assembly speaker key parent Bullyproof strategies for the school year:

Ask them about their day good or bad.It is important as parents to get in the habit of asking their child about their day. This is important, many parents try to get there child to talk about their day in school only when they feel something may be wrong. Studies show that a student especially middle school and high school have trouble articulating themselves.

Remember the names. Throughout the year it is important to ask your child to introduce you to classmates and students. This will help you get a better understanding of who they surround themselves with and who you don’t want them to hangout with.

Give them daily assurance.It is important to always assure your child that they can tell you how they may feel about a specific student in the school. Be sure to not only listen to what they may be saying but what information they me be holding out.

The Magic Motivator Jamahl Keyes, top selling author and award winning Anti Bully and Character Development assembly speaker, has educated thousands of students and parents creative and innovative ways to stop their child from getting bullied throughout the school year. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Teacher professional development guidance on educating students with Oppositional Defiance Disorder.

The American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, (DSM-IV) defines oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) as a recurrent pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient, and hostile behavior toward authority figures that persists for at leastsix months. Behaviors in thedefinition are losing one’s temper; arguing with adults; actively defying requests; refusing to go byrules; deliberately annoying many others; blaming others for one’s own mistakes or misbehavior; being touchy, easily annoyed or angered, resentful, spiteful, or vindictive.

ODD is normallydiagnosed when a child has a persistent or consistent pattern of disobedience and hostility toward parents, teachers, or other adults. The requirementsfor ODD are met only whenthe problem behaviors occur more frequently in the child than in other children of the same age and developmental level. These behaviors cause significant problems withfriends and family, and the oppositional behaviors are exactly the sameboth at home and in school. Sometimes, ODD may be a precursor of a conduct disorder. Co morbidity of ODD with ADHD has been reported to occur in 50%-65% of affected children. ODD is not diagnosed if the problematic behaviors occur exclusively with a mood or psychotic disorder.

Teacher professional development informationThe Don’ts of Communicating to a student with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)


• Use long lessons.

• Be oppositional yourself.

• Use a loud angry voice.

• Use negative body gestures.

• Revisit earlier problems.

• Blame yourself or other people.

• Make assumptions about a child’s behavior.

• Label a childwith negative names.

Teacher professional development recommendations onThe Do’s of Communicating to a student with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)


• Use short explanations of ten words or fewer.

• Say what exactlyyou choose.

• Speak calmly and clearly.

• Make eye contactand control yourfacial expression, posture, and gestures.

• Talk about what is happening right now.

• Focus on solutions, not problems.

• Ask questions to getfeedback.

• See the child as a whole person with strengths and weaknesses.

“Many of these methods can easily be utilized onan every day basis in my presentation for teachers, educators and administrators I show them easy to implement exercises they can use in the classroom,” says Jamahl Keyes, author, speaker and Teacher Professional development in service trainer. “It is very importantfor teachers to understand how to use these strategies so that you have the needed skills to resolve any conflict in the classroom large or small.”

Ryan Braun Suspension from Mlb is a great illustration of why students Need the excellent Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program presented by Jamahl Keyes.

That the nation is dividedwhen it comes to stopping the bullying in schools epidemic is known. But now some of the effects of the national division are becoming clear through professional athletes, using our athletes as role models to our children is becoming a topic best avoided when talking to students and educating students about Anti Bully and Character Development strategies that will make them successful in school and life. Perhaps the greatestand most recent examples of this is Milwaukee Brewers Ryan Braun.

“After lying to officials and then throwing people underneath thebus he only gets the season off, only to come back next seasonand get guaranteed millions, where do I sign up for that job,” explains Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, “This does not look good to our students, it is simply telling them that Character Development skills doesn’t really matter and that lying is more important than being truthful.”

The outcome, says Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, is a whole generation of students with no regard to authority or integrity. It is vitalfor schools, parents and communities to take an assertive effort to educate their students about Anti Bully and Character Development.

Good Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly programs talk more in depth to students about the dangers ofbullying and the value ofgood Character, it doesn't matter whatsituation you may find yourself in, and not get the results that Milwaukee Brewers MLB star Ryan Braun found himself in. 

An excellent self-help guide to hiring the right corporate entertainment and party entertainment for your bash.

Hiring anentertainer for your get togethermight be adaunting task. You’re calling complete strangers to come into your business or hometo entertain several groupedfriends, business associatesor children. And you want this to be memorable for all the right reasons - not “the birthday when the magician never showed up” or “that party when the clown kept making inappropriate jokes and smelled like cigarettes”. How are you findingand hire the right corporate entertainment or party entertainment for this unique job?Here are a couple questions that you should ask the corporate entertainment or Party entertainment before hiringthem.

Demand adescription of the corporate entertainment or party entertainment. Is it interactive? Like, Is there a sample video online?

What’s the associated fee? Remember, the priciestis not necessarily the most beneficial.

What is thecorporate entertainment or party entertainment show length? Are there anyoptions?

Is anything elsewithin theprice, for instanceDVD’s, Free magic tricks prizes, etc.?

Is a deposit required? What types ofpayment do they really accept, and when is it due? What goes onif you need to cancel as a result ofsick child or bad weather?

How muchspace would theyneed?

Would theyperform at your chosen venue, whether itbe the beach, a park, or even yourhome?

Would theyneed access to electricity for speakers or lights? The timewill they need to set up?

Ask if the entertainer has performed at any events exactly like theone you haveplanned.

Can he / sheprovide names to call for references?In order tofilm or photograph the show, is that OK?


On the dayof the party, make sure an area is set aside and ready for the entertainer. Minimize distractions through theshow so the children can take advantage ofit and so you get your money’s worth. Provide another area for adults who want to converse so they don’t distract from the show. The correct corporate entertainment and party entertainment can make a party memory that will last a lifetime. If youemploy apro, you can relax knowing that the guests are having a good time, you’re getting your money’s worth, and your party will be remembered -for all the right reasons!

How to Choose the most effective Corporate Entertainment or Party Entertainment for ones Corporate Event Entertainment.

You could have everything set for your employee appreciation event or customer appreciation event. Your CEO introduces the corporate entertainment for the evening and then, slowly, everything comes crashing to a halt. Instead of the laughter and applause that you hoped to see, you hear silence and heavy sighs. The party entertainment, which you thought was the ideal corporate entertainment for your group, panics and starts insulting the people. You slowly slink down intoyour chair and wonder ifyour resume is up-to-date.

While thefood might begreat and the room looks beautiful, these will be quickly forgotten. What your group won’t forget is how miserable they felt watching the corporate entertainment or party entertainment you chose to add some “fun” and excitement” to your event. It’s odd that, sometimes, an events coordinator will spend months on planning certain elements ofan event - food, hotel, decorations, etc - but wait to the last secondto bookthe proper corporate event entertainment.

Here are somecorporate entertainment and entertainment ideas that will help you to make the right range ofa corporate entertainer for your next meeting or event.

Do your homework- Stop relying upona speaker’s agency or entertainment agency to always book your talent. Many leading corporate entertainers don’t necessarily work with agents and, therefore, you can overlooksome great talent. While agents can be a good source for talent, they are not the only way to go. Don’t think that just because a corporate entertainer is on the agent’s roster that the agent has actually worked with that talent. Should you be willing to “broaden your options,” do a Google search for terms like corporate entertainment, entertainment ideas or party entertainment. Here you will find many corporate entertainers that can help you add the “WOW” the answer toyour event.

View A View Demos- After you have chosen an entertainer or two, carefully watch the talent’s demo and see if he/she is a good fit for your group. This is the fastest way to confirm that the particular corporate entertainment or party entertainment will work for you and saves you time - because if you don’t like the video, you can quickly move on to your next candidate. While watching the demo, see if the talent has worked for similar groups. Notice the demographics of the group. Does the video reveal crowd reactions? Is the laughter and applause real or is it canned? Are there multiple performance clips or is the video mostly one performance? Did the corporate entertainer receive multiple standing ovations or just one?

Surf the web page- If you like the demo, peruse the talent’s site to see exactly what type of corporate entertainment or entertainment ideas he or she provides. Observe if the corporate entertainer has a quantity ofprogram options.

Bottom line: Finding the time to find the right corporate entertainment, entertainment ideas or party entertainment for onescorporate event does require “time.” However, event planners take the time to: plan multiple site visits; make copious calls to hotel catering; agonize over decorations, strategize hotel bookings and loads more to make sure the event is a success. Don’t let your decision for your corporate event entertainment be one of the last things you do, and don’t always leave it up to one source. Remember, your group probably won’t remember exactly whatthey ate or the specifics ofthe decorations on the table, but they will never forget how miserable they deemedwatching a lousy corporate entertainer.

Divided Nation Pushes The necessity of More Student Leadership Speakers To share with you The Need For Good Character Development.

That the nation is split in terms of great ways toeducate our students is widely known. But now many of theconnection between that national division are becoming clear: Student Leadership and Character Development have become more and more needed throughout the country. Most likely themost obvious sign of this need is the rising reports of violence and bullying on the elementary, middle schooland high school level.

“It use to be the situation that student leadership and character development was taught in homes and in the curriculum throughout the country,” explains Jamahl Keyes, Top selling student leadership author, character development expert and teacher professional development workshop trainer.”Teachers are having a very tough time educating our students about math and language arts, as they aredisruptionby students that lack student leadership skills or need to learn more about character development.”

The end results, says Jamahl Keyes, Top selling student leadership author, character development, of exposing any students to a leadership and character education is phenomenal.

Exposing any students to student leadership and character development strategies all year round helps themmake better choices in school and life.

“Students understand alternative behavior and the positive outcome in school and life, many of them have no idea of what they may be doing wrong because they have never been taught student leadership and character education,” laments Jamahl Keyes. “That makes theneed forthese programs at a all time high.”

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How to choose the right corporate entertainment or party entertainment for your next event.

This is a truth universally acknowledged that every good event needs appropriate entertainment. When was the last time you went to a wedding with no band or dj, no party area, no comedy magicians? Or acorporate dinner where the sole focus was the beef wellington? Getting the corporate entertainment right, party entertainment or any entertainment ideas is among the most crucial aspects in determining the success of any party.

Employing a comedy magician is a well-liked selection for sporting and social club events, fundraisers, corporate events, birthdays, and weddings. And for a good reason! A skilledcomedy magician can provide your guests with a night they’ll always bear in mind. But you want it to be for the right reasons. You don’t want everyone that is witnessing your choice for corporate entertainment and/or party entertainment or entertainment Ideas remembering your work at the holiday event function because the comedy magician offended Julie from payroll so profoundly, she promptly talked about it the next time at work. Searching out the corporate entertainment that suits the tone of your event and the sensibilities of your guests is paramount. Enlisting the services of a seasoned professional that are experts corporate entertainment or party entertainment means make no mistake-you can be proud that you made the right choice. Seasoned entertainers that specialize in entertaining different audiences, such as The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes, provide clients with forms specifying exactly what they want. This assists Jamahl Keyes tailor his comedy magic show material and routines to suit the requirements of any client. Eliminating the fear factor- ‘oh my god, what are they going to say?!’ is one of the reasons to choose The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes that allows you to set the boundaries of what’s acceptable and what’s not for your guests.

I can help any student in elementary, junior high school or high school reach their full potential with any of my highest rated youth programs guaranteed.

These incredibly powerful words originate from Jamahl Keyes, the nation’s leading authority on youth leadership and character education, top selling author and creator of some breakthrough youth programs that educate students really innovative and interactive way.


Jamahl Keyes is certainly a powerful and simple speaker in all of his youth programs. His programs help educate students and parents on:

• The need for Character development, how this can make or break your success in school and life.

• How every student should focus ontheir student leadership if they are to be successfulin college and in the corporate world.

• How to make yourself do something even if everyone who are around you is notmotivated.

Jamahl Keyes, the nation’s leading authority on youth leadership and character education, top sellingauthor and creator of some breakthrough youth programs, has presented his innovative and breakthrough programs for schools, teachers and parents all over the world.

What separates his youth programs from the other is his ability to relate to any and every students situation they may be in. “The secret is my 8 years of educating middle school and high school students and my 5yrs of know-how of being the violence prevention coordinator for the City of South Bend, IN where I had to develop and implement youth programs that taught leadership and character development.” states Jamahl Keyes.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis to help Middle School Students in every state.

This upcoming school year will be a Anti Bully and Character education assembly Indianapolis that will benefit middle schooland highschool students from every background cultures.

“Unlike other Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis Programs that gear their program to elementary school students with the fear ofcreating and presenting a entertaining and academic program for middle schooland High school students, this program is created specificallyto tackle the problemsthat Middle School and High School students.”, said Jamahl Keyes, Top Selling Author, Youth Leadership Speaker and Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker.

The Magic In You, Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis uses Comedy, Real-Life Story Telling, Mind Reading and interactive learning tomentionblueprintthat will helpstudents that are victims of bullying stop from being bullied, creative ways for students that witness bullying to report it and a character education message for the students that getattention from bullying others.

“Because of my A decade of experience working in a middle school classroom and being the violence prevention coordinator for the City of South Bend where I dealt withat risk High School students on a daily, I recognizethe need to reach these students and educate them about character and youth leadership, states Jamahl Keyes, Top Selling Author, Youth Leadership Speaker and Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker.

Easy methods to Hire The Party Entertainment Indianapolis For your upcoming Event.

Living inIndianapolis, IN has it advantages in many ways. You'll find alot of things to do everywhere in thecircle city and surrounding cities.

You'll encounter parties and special engagements and events all around the city over summer and winter from Winter to summer. Among all the parties that people celebrate in Indianapolis, IN, childrens parties, company parties, club parties and association parties are all some of the greatest ones. An excellent type of party entertainment Indianapolis for any event is a magician, because we all lovemagic.

The nationally recognized and award winningparty entertainment magician Indianapolis,IN Jamahl Keyes is the lead anchor of great entertainment for over Twenty years. As a event planner or coordinator, if you have any kind of upcoming soon and are in need of professional family friendly fun entertainment, you might want to know about The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes the party entertainment Indianapolis specialist you will be be confidentto know that Jamahl Keyes experience as corporate entertainment means that you will not need to worry about the entertainment portion of your event.

Jamahl Keyes has long beenhired to open a event and has also been hired as a key componentto help the event move along. You and your guest is the main focus of his party entertainment. So when you decide to choose some type of entertainment for your forthcomingparty event think about acomedy magician for your party entertainment. The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes show uses comedy, audience participation, mind-reading and Illusions staged to big band jazz. His excellent show has been featured on NBC, CBS, TNN and The family Channel, he has been recentlyfeatured on Holland America Cruises, Princess Cruise line and Norwegian. There exists literally no type of party entertainment Indianapolis audience that he has not performed for.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The best way to Hire The Party Entertainment Indianapolis For your forthcoming Event.

Living in Indianapolis, IN has it advantages in many ways. There is also alot of things to do all over thecircle city and surrounding cities.

There'll beparties and special engagements and events all around the city over summer and winter from Winter to summer. Among all the parties that people celebrate in Indianapolis, IN, childrens parties, company parties, club parties and association parties are all some of the greatest ones. The besttype of party entertainment Indianapolis for any event is a magician, because everybody enjoys magic.

The nationally recognized and award winning party entertainment magician Indianapolis,IN Jamahl Keyes is the lead anchor of great entertainment for over Twenty years. As a event planner or coordinator, if you have any kind ofupcoming soon and are in need of professional family friendly fun entertainment, you might want to know about The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes the party entertainment Indianapolis specialist you will be be confident to know that Jamahl Keyes experience as corporate entertainment means that you will not need to worry about the entertainment portion of your event.

Jamahl Keyes happens to be hired to open a event and has also been hired as a key elementto help the event move along. You and your guest is the main focus of his party entertainment. So when you decide to choose some type of entertainment for your forthcomingparty event think about acomedy magician for your party entertainment. The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes show uses comedy, audience participation, mind-reading and Illusions staged to big band jazz. His excellent show has been featured on NBC, CBS, TNN and The family Channel, he has been recentlyfeatured on Holland America Cruises, Princess Cruise line and Norwegian. There'sliterally no type of party entertainment Indianapolis audience that he has not performed for.

Youth leadership development book reveals the shocking truth concerning the need to educate students about Character Education and leadership, and shows parents, teachers and administrators tips on how to arm any student for fulfillment!

“The average US student is in dire should try to learn and embrace the needed Character and leadership skills to be successful in the real world. And consequentlyof, countless students are finding themselves not reaching their full potential in school and life.”

These controversial words are derived from one of several nation’s leading Anti Bully and Character education and youth leadership speaker, Jamahl Keyes, the author of the Top selling Youth Leadership development book “Can’t Quit It, Until You Get It!” 5 proven life principles for achievement.

“Even for those who havea student with a 4.0 GPA, whenever they don’t have theneeded Character Education skills or youth leadership skills needed to overcome adversity, they won't be successful,” says Jamahl Keyes, the author of the Top selling Youth Leadership development book “Can’t Quit It, Until You Get It!” 5 proven life principles for achievement, “Being successful in a Global economy is different than twenty years ago, other countries have put character education and youth leadership of theircurriculum rendering itapart of the education process.”

“Can’t Quit It, Until You Get It!” 5 proven life principles for success, is a youth leadership development book that focuses on 5 Character Education skills and youth leadership skills that will keep students very competitive and a very competitive global place of work.

What students will findand learn in this Cutting edge youth leadership development book:

-How to, use critical thinking skills to hit your objectives.

-How to, accelerate your primary goal.

-How to, focus on one goalregardless of whatenvironment you may bein.

-How to, take responsibilityfor yourwhether positive or negativeactions.

-How to, make use of ayouth leadership solving problemstechnique tosolve any difficultybig or small.

Jamahl Keyes is a nationally recognized Character education and youth leadership speaker. He has appeared on NBC, FOX along with the Family Channel educating students, teachers and parents on youth leadership. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes Magician Indianapolis Shows The reasons why Comedy Magic Stands That beats all others For Entertainment Ideas.

Indy Magic Monthly is will be producing their 76th show at the Theatre On The Square, Tuesday, July 9,2013. The show will be using acrowd favorite The Theatre and Dance Magic of the best rated Jamahl Keyes.

“I'm so excited to be coming back toIndy magic monthly, it’s been a while since I’ve been onthat beautiful stage. What I love about that audience is their love and appreciation for theatre the show’s producer Taylor Martin always mixes an excellentcollection ofentertainment Ideas it makes the show more thrilling and fun.”

The Illusion show will be July 9,2013, doors will open at 7:00 pm and the show will start 7:30pm at Theatre On The Square, 627 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, IN tickets can be acquiredonline at Indy Magic Monthly’s website.

The eventwill have among the best Entertainment Ideas of performers on the planet. Comedy magician Jamahl Keyes, will amaze and entertain the audience with his smooth style of mixing jazz, dancing and Illusions. The funny off beat magic of Steve Hart, will tickle the funnybone of the audience young and small. And last but certainlynot least the mindreading miracles of Trinity.

In addition to these three amazing performers, the show will be MC’d by the shows producer Taylor Martin. If you’re searching for agreat entertainment ideas for July 9,2013 look no furthercome to the Theatre On The Square at 627 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 7:00pm. Buy yourticket fast before they vanish!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Youth Leadership Speaker Indianapolis Reveals To Parents How To Bully Proof Their Child With an Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis Program That Make any difference.

Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis program, expert and nationally recognized youth leadership speaker Indianapolis Jamahl Keyes claimed to the parents of Concept Schools he can help rid the Bullying and fighting reports in their elementary, junior high schooland high schools of Bullying and fighting by 30% regarding hisBully Proof and Character education program The Magic In You.

Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker, Top Selling Author and Nationally recognized youth leadership speaker Indianapolis revealed to students, teachers and parents 5 simple to applyyouth leadership and character education strategies that affect theculture of violence bullying in school.

Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker, Top Selling Author and Nationally recognized youth leadership speaker Indianapolis provides practical success strategies forstudents:

  • How to, consentrate onresults and neverproblems in school.

  • How to, make a good choice for your future even whenit is not popular.


  • How to, responsibility to youractions in negative and positive times.


  • How to, Set temporary and long-term goals to help keep you motivated.


  • How to, easily build your character and leadership skills on a daily.


Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker, Top Selling Author and Nationally recognized youth leadership speaker Indianapolis presentations are very energetic, fun and interactive.”I think it’s crucial that yoube entertaining and interactive if we are to reach the student of the Modern day.” states Jamahl.

Corporate Entertainment Favorite Jamahl Keyes to Headline With the Magic Capital Of the planet Abootts Magic Get Together Colon,MI

Abbotts 76th annual magic Get-Together convention will be hosting the return of highest rated comedy magician Jamahl Keyes Thursday, August 8,2013 8:00pm. His show will include his excellentMinnie The Moocha routine, Big spender Illusion and a few more surprises all presented with his theatrical dancing and comedy style.

“I’m so excited to be back at the Magic Capital Of The World,” says Corporate Entertainment specialist Jamahl Keyes, “I haven’t been to Abbott’s in about 8 years since then I have performed my show in Japan, Italy and Spain to merelyname a few, I am looking forwardto presenting some of my new Illusions on the stage I’m sure the old convention faithful will love.”

The show will takeplace on Thursday, August 8,2013 and will start promptly 8:00 pm. Also appearing on the showis going to beanother corporate entertainment favorites like Ken Groves the ventriloquist who has appeared on America’s Got Talent, Doc Swan the sideshow wizard you’ll see him walk on glass swallow swords and stick needle in his arm (and that’s just the opener) and the Illusions of Cindy & Tracy Allen this incredible duo will amaze you with their very astonishing and entertaining Illusion style. The MC will be the hilarious Artie Kidwell.

“In addition to my Minnie The Moocha and Big Spender Illusion I am also be presenting my cutting edge cell phone mind reading effect, where I will read someone’s mind anywhere on the planet using a random persons cell phone from the audience, you won’t desire tomiss this.” states, the corporate entertainment favorite Jamahl Keyes.

“A Youth Leadership Development Book That Will Help Any Student Reach Their Ultimate Goals, Guaranteed!.”

These incredibly powerful words are derived from Jamahl Keyes, the nation’s leading authority on youth leadership and Character education and also the author of the runaway successbook Can’t Quit It Until You Get It, 5 proven life principles for fulfillment.

Jamahl Keyes’s powerful Youth Leadership Development Book, Can’t Quit It Until You Get It, reveals how any teacher or parent can educateand instill the five proven youth leadership and character education tips that manystudent will need to have to achieve success nowadays like:

-How to, apply knowledge that you just learn in your lifeand facultyto ensure your ability to succeedin your lifeand faculty.

-How to, be considered aproblem solver regardless of what problems you mayface that you experiencedin everyday lifeand school.

-How to, never complain about what situation you may face in lifeand school.

-How to, concentrate onresults and not be distracted by shinny objects that can distract any student throughout the course of a school year.

-How to, guarantee your successas a student with a mentor that will hold you accountable.

Jamahl Keyes and his powerful Youth Leadership Development Book, Can’t Quit It Until You Get It, 5 proven life principles for achievementhave obtainedcritical acclaim from the media, teacher publications and character schools and private schools from around thecountry. He has been ask to speak for Teacher Professional Development functions, Youth Leadership Conferences and has appeared on Fox, NBC and The Family Channel.

Jamahl Keyes has over 20 years experience motivating and inspiring students of all backgrounds and cultures and has put some of his insider motivation secrets that he has used as a middle school teacher for 8 years, a basketball coach for 5 years and a violence prevention coordinator for Three years in his powerful Youth Leadership Development Book, Can’t Quit It Until You Get It, 5 proven life principles for success.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Developing a Anti Bully and Character Education Culture As part of your School And Community.

That the nation is split in relation to educating each student of the Twenty-first centuryis known. But now some of the effects of that national division are getting to beclear: methods and strategies of educating our students has become a subject best avoided when you first speak with what has to be implemented to help educate our students with thisday and time. Whether it’s Charter Schools, Private Schools, Public Schools or perhaps Boarding Schools, many parents, teachers, politicians and administrators are avoiding discussing how to deal with the Bullying culture of the students of today. Perhaps themost obvious sign of this reluctance to address the issue is the fact that Character education has almost been abolished from everyone’s curriculum all together.

“Character education is a must as to give our students the needed and necessary tools to hit your objectives in school and life,” explains Jamahl Keyes, professional speaker, author and producer of Americas primary Anti Bully Assembly Program.”Today’s student doesn't have idea of the repercussions of not knowing what character is and the waygood character revealsdoors and secures their success.”

“The outcomes ofeach student being aware what Character is” says Jamahl Keyes, professional speaker, author and producer of Americas number oneAnti Bully Assembly Program, ”Is a culture of scholarsknowning that their success isn't onlywhat grades they could get, but what impact negative or positive they've got on the people around them.”

New subjects in schools are rapidly making thehost to Character education and leadership.

“Give me a student which has a4.0 GPA and horrible character and present me a student with a2.5 GPA as well as agreat character, each student with the2.5 GPA will out shine the additionalstudent for the reason that, they're going to haveevery resource at handto ensure success, simply because they will be a pleasant student and later worker to get along with.” Jamahl Keyes, professional speaker, author and producer of Americas number 1 Anti Bully Assembly Program, laments.

The 5 questions you need to look for when employing a comedy magician Indianapolis for your corporate event.


This season a large number of companies and associations are receiving big events hiring comedy magicians Indianapolis to be the entertainment for their guess. A few willnot be pleased withthe entertainment they hire not because they are not entertaining but as a result of5 questions they don't ask to help make the event unforgettable.

“Hiring the correct entertainment for your event is a must if you want your guess to talk about the event in a positive way,” says Tiphanny, production manager for MIY Speakers Bureau, an organization that are experts in booking comedy magicians Indianapolis for corporate events.”Event planners must be aware ofthese 5 questions, if there planning tosave themselves any unnecessary headaches.

Here are the 5questions you should look for when finding acomedy magician Indianapolis:

1. Does the entertainer have testimonials?

2. What style ofevents or audiences have the entertainer performed for?

3. Is your entertainment appropriate for a family audience?

4. Is your price negotiable?

5. Do you haveany bonuses that you mayprovide to the audience?

MIY Speakers bureau Indianapolis is the Midwest premier entertainment and speakers bureau Indianapolis, they have over 5 yearsexperience providing companies and associations Five star talent for their special events. “All of our entertainers and speakers are the top of their profession and have experience working under any and every condition conceivable.” states Tiphanny, production manager for MIY Speakers Bureau, a business who specializes in booking comedy magicians Indianapolis for company events.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Looking for some Entertainment Ideas for Monday July 8,2013 look no further Indy Magic Monthly Live Show Is Where You Want To Be.

Indy Magic Monthly will be featuring the countries premiere Corporate Entertainment and Comedy magicians Tuesday July 9,2013 7:30 pm at The Theatre On The Square 627 Massachusetts Ave Indianapolis, IN             

“Join us for an evening of reunions and wonder. For the first time in many years, live onstage at Theatre On The Square, we have the legendary Steve Hart together with the return of Trinity. Both were stalwarts of the Illusions Restaurant in the 80s and 90s and have not performed on the same stage in over 12 years. Plus, the amazing Jamahl Keyes returns with his magic, dancing, and a highly motivating performance. Along with me Taylor Martin as MC and producer, this is going to be another legendary show from Indy Magic Monthly.” states Taylor Martin The producer of putting together three of the Corporate Entertainment and Comedy magicians.

Let’s face it getting a good bang for your buck when it comes to going to a show that the entire family can and will enjoy is rare these days. Even movies aren’t like they use to be they are either created to appeal to children and not adults or for adults and not children. You will not have that dilemma making your way to this Indy Magic Monthly show. Everyone of every age will enjoy themselves at this Family Friendly Fun Show featuring three of the countries premiere comedy magicians The Dancing Motivator Of Magic Jamahl Keyes, Trinity and Steve Hart. 

Ryan Braun Suspension from Mlb is a great illustration of why students Need the excellent Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program presented by Jamahl Keyes.

That the nation is dividedwhen it comes to stopping the bullying in schools epidemic is known. But now some of the effects of the national division are becoming clear through professional athletes, using our athletes as role models to our children is becoming a topic best avoided when talking to students and educating students about Anti Bully and Character Development strategies that will make them successful in school and life. Perhaps the greatestand most recent examples of this is Milwaukee Brewers Ryan Braun.

“After lying to officials and then throwing people underneath thebus he only gets the season off, only to come back next seasonand get guaranteed millions, where do I sign up for that job,” explains Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, “This does not look good to our students, it is simply telling them that Character Development skills doesn’t really matter and that lying is more important than being truthful.”

The outcome, says Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, is a whole generation of students with no regard to authority or integrity. It is vitalfor schools, parents and communities to take an assertive effort to educate their students about Anti Bully and Character Development.

Good Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly programs talk more in depth to students about the dangers ofbullying and the value ofgood Character, it doesn't matter whatsituation you may find yourself in, and not get the results that Milwaukee Brewers MLB star Ryan Braun found himself in. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why event planners are lining up to hire The Dancing Motivator Of Magic Jamahl Keyes show for Corporate Entertainment Indianapolis.

Jamahl Keyes show is entertaining. His magic and mind reading effects are original. His comedy is rated Family Friendly Fun, so you don’t need to worry about any of your audience members being offended. He uses audience participation throughout his comedy magic show and his show is perfectly stage around Big band jazz and classic songs like Minnie The Moocha, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and Do the Twist to just name a few.          

So your guest will not only be baffled by his mind reading and magic effects, funny-bone tickled by his quick wit and since of humor but their toes will tap periodically throughout the show, Guaranteed!

Corporate Entertainment Indianapolis expert Jamahl Keyes is known for his Broadway and theater style of comedy magic (he has been featured at Tribecca theater several times in New York New York) after only minutes audiences are captivated by Jamahl’s charisma, insight and humor (his entire show is interactive). Jamahl works hard to create lasting memories for any group he performs for.

Most importantly Corporate Entertainment Indianapolis expert  Jamahl Keyes is highly professional and very flexible. He works hard to earn your trust and keep it. As a seasoned entertainer working with cruise ships, national and international TV shows, fortune 500 companies and sports organizations, he has acquired the discipline to tailor his comedy magic show to fit anywhere into your event’s schedule, even if you have last-minute changes.

If you’re looking to make your next event unforgettable and impressive hire the perfect Corporate Entertainment Indianapolis expert Jamahl Keyes.

Ryan Braun Suspension from Mlb is a great demonstration of why students Need the leading Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program presented by Jamahl Keyes.

That the nation is split when it comes to stopping the bullying in schools epidemic is known. But now some of the effects of the national division are becoming clear through professional athletes, using our athletes as role models to our children is becoming a subjectbest avoided when talking to students and educating students about Anti Bully and Character Development strategies that will make them successful in school and life. Perhaps the most obviousand most recent examples of this is Milwaukee Brewers Ryan Braun.

“After lying to officials and then throwing people under thebus he only gets the season off, only to come back next yearand get guaranteed millions, where do I sign up for that job,” explains Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, “This does not look good to our students, it is simply telling them that Character Development skills doesn’t really matter and that lying is more important than being truthful.”

The final result, says Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, is a whole generation of students with no regard to authority or integrity. It is very importantfor schools, parents and communities to take an assertive effort to educate their students about Anti Bully and Character Development.

Good Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly programs talk more in depth to students about the perils associated withbullying and the importance ofgood Character, no matter whatsituation you may find yourself in, and not get the results that Milwaukee Brewers MLB star Ryan Braun found himself in. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

How to choose the right corporate entertainment or party entertainment for your next event.

It's actually atruth universally acknowledged that each and everygood event needs appropriate entertainment. Now when wasthe last time you went to a wedding with no band or dj, no dance floor, no comedy magicians? Or possibly acorporate dinner where the sole focus was the beef wellington? Getting the corporate entertainment right, party entertainment or any entertainment ideas is among themost crucial aspects in determining the success of any reception.

Employing a comedy magician is a popular selection for sporting and social club events, fundraisers, company events, birthdays, and weddings. And for a very good reason! An experienced comedy magician can provide your guests with a night they’ll truly appreciate. But you want it to be for the right reasons. You don’t want everyone that is witnessing your choice for corporate entertainment and/or party entertainment or entertainment Ideas remembering your work at the holiday event function because the comedy magician offended Julie from payroll so profoundly, she promptly talked about it the next dayat work. Searching out thecorporate entertainment that suits the tone of your event and the sensibilities of your guests is paramount. Enlisting the services of a seasoned professional that are experts incorporate entertainment or party entertainment means you can be sureyou can be proud that you made the right choice. Seasoned entertainers that specialize in entertaining numerousaudiences, such as The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes, provide clients with forms specifying exactly what they gotta have. This will assist Jamahl Keyes tailor his comedy magic show material and routines to suit the requirements of any client. Eliminating the fear factor- ‘oh my god, what are they going to say?!’ is one of the benefits of choosing The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes that allows you to set the boundaries of what’s acceptable and what’s not for your guests.

Ryan Braun Suspension from Major League baseball is a perfect illustration showing why students Need the top Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program presented by Jamahl Keyes.

That the nation is splitwhen it comes to stopping the bullying in schools epidemic is well known. But now some of the effects of the national division are becoming clear through professional athletes, using our athletes as role models to our children is becoming a topicbest avoided when talking to students and educating students about Anti Bully and Character Development strategies that will make them successful in school and life. Perhaps the greatestand most recent examples of this is Milwaukee Brewers Ryan Braun.

“After lying to officials and then throwing people underneath thebus he only gets the season off, only to come back next seasonand get guaranteed millions, where do I sign up for that job,” explains Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, “This does not look good to our students, it is simply telling them that Character Development skills doesn’t really matter and that lying is more important than being truthful.”

The final result, says Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, is a whole generation of students with no regard to authority or integrity. It is necessaryfor schools, parents and communities to take an assertive effort to educate their students about Anti Bully and Character Development.

Good Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly programs talk more in depth to students about the hazards ofbullying and the need forgood Character, it doesn't matter whatsituation you may find yourself in, and not get the results that Milwaukee Brewers MLB star Ryan Braun found himself in. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Easy methods to Hire The Party Entertainment Indianapolis For your upcoming Event.

Living inIndianapolis, IN has it advantages in many ways. You'll find alot of things to do everywhere in thecircle city and surrounding cities.

You'll encounter parties and special engagements and events all around the city over summer and winter from Winter to summer. Among all the parties that people celebrate in Indianapolis, IN, childrens parties, company parties, club parties and association parties are all some of the greatest ones. An excellent type of party entertainment Indianapolis for any event is a magician, because we all lovemagic.

The nationally recognized and award winningparty entertainment magician Indianapolis,IN Jamahl Keyes is the lead anchor of great entertainment for over Twenty years. As a event planner or coordinator, if you have any kind of upcoming soon and are in need of professional family friendly fun entertainment, you might want to know about The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes the party entertainment Indianapolis specialist you will be be confidentto know that Jamahl Keyes experience as corporate entertainment means that you will not need to worry about the entertainment portion of your event.

Jamahl Keyes has long beenhired to open a event and has also been hired as a key componentto help the event move along. You and your guest is the main focus of his party entertainment. So when you decide to choose some type of entertainment for your forthcomingparty event think about acomedy magician for your party entertainment. The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes show uses comedy, audience participation, mind-reading and Illusions staged to big band jazz. His excellent show has been featured on NBC, CBS, TNN and The family Channel, he has been recentlyfeatured on Holland America Cruises, Princess Cruise line and Norwegian. There exists literally no type of party entertainment Indianapolis audience that he has not performed for.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ryan Braun Suspension from Baseball is a perfect example of why students Need the award winning Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program presented by Jamahl Keyes.

That the nation is dividedwhen it comes to stopping the bullying in schools epidemic is widely known. But now some of the effects of the national division are becoming clear through professional athletes, using our athletes as role models to our children is becoming an issuebest avoided when talking to students and educating students about Anti Bully and Character Development strategies that will make them successful in school and life. Perhaps the most evidentand most recent examples of this is Milwaukee Brewers Ryan Braun.

“After lying to officials and then throwing people under the bus he only gets the season off, only to come back next season and get guaranteed millions, where do I sign up for that job,” explains Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, “This does not look good to our students, it is simply telling them that Character Development skills doesn’t really matter and that lying is more important than being truthful.”

The final result, says Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, is a whole generation of students with no regard to authority or integrity. It is recommendedfor schools, parents and communities to take an assertive effort to educate their students about Anti Bully and Character Development.

Good Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly programs talk more in depth to students about the perils associated withbullying and the need forgood Character, it doesn't matter whatsituation you may find yourself in, and not get the results that Milwaukee Brewers MLB star Ryan Braun found himself in. 

The Magic Of Jamahl Keyes Magician Indianapolis Shows The key reason why Comedy Magic Appears Above the Rest For Entertainment Ideas.

Indy Magic Monthly is will be producing their 76th show at the Theatre On The Square, Tuesday, July 9,2013. The show will be with a crowd favorite The Theatre and Dance Magic of the award winning Jamahl Keyes.

“I'm so excited to be returning to Indy magic monthly, it’s been awhile since I’ve been onthat beautiful stage. What I love about that audience is their love and appreciation for theatre the show’s producer Taylor Martin always mixes a great selection of entertainment Ideas it makes the show more excitingand fun.”

The Illusion show will be July 9,2013, doors will open at 7:00 pm and the show will start 7:30pm at Theatre On The Square, 627 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, IN tickets can be bought online at Indy Magic Monthly’s website.

The big event will have some of the best Entertainment Ideas of performers on the planet. Comedy magician Jamahl Keyes, will amaze and entertain the audience with his smooth style of mixing jazz, dancing and Illusions. The funny offbeat magic of Steve Hart, will tickle the funnybone of the audience young and small. And last and surelynot least the mindreading miracles of Trinity.

Along with these 3 amazing performers, the show will be MC’d by the shows producer Taylor Martin. If you’re searching for agreat entertainment ideas for July 9,2013 look no furthercome to the Theatre On The Square at 627 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 7:00pm. Ensure you get yourticket fast before they vanish!

Ryan Braun Suspension from Major League baseball is a perfect example of why students Need the award winning Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program presented by Jamahl Keyes.

That the nation is dividedwhen it comes to stopping the bullying in schools epidemic established fact. But now some of the effects of the national division are becoming clear through professional athletes, using our athletes as role models to our children is becoming a themebest avoided when talking to students and educating students about Anti Bully and Character Development strategies that will make them successful in school and life. Perhaps the most evidentand most recent examples of this is Milwaukee Brewers Ryan Braun.

“After lying to officials and then throwing people under thebus he only gets the season off, only to come back next seasonand get guaranteed millions, where do I sign up for that job,” explains Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, “This does not look good to our students, it is simply telling them that Character Development skills doesn’t really matter and that lying is more important than being truthful.”

The effect, says Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, is a whole generation of students with no regard to authority or integrity. It is essentialfor schools, parents and communities to take an assertive effort to educate their students about Anti Bully and Character Development.

Good Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly programs talk more in depth to students about the risks ofbullying and the importance ofgood Character, it doesn't matter whatsituation you may find yourself in, and not get the results that Milwaukee Brewers MLB star Ryan Braun found himself in. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Ryan Braun Suspension from Mlb is a perfect demonstration of why students Need the leading Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program presented by Jamahl Keyes.

That the nation is split when it comes to stopping the bullying in schools epidemic established fact. But now some of the effects of the national division are becoming clear through professional athletes, using our athletes as role models to our children is becoming an issuebest avoided when talking to students and educating students about Anti Bully and Character Development strategies that will make them successful in school and life. Perhaps the most apparent and most recent examples of this is Milwaukee Brewers Ryan Braun.

“After lying to officials and then throwing people under the bus he only gets the season off, only to come back next season and get guaranteed millions, where do I sign up for that job,” explains Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, “This does not look good to our students, it is simply telling them that Character Development skills doesn’t really matter and that lying is more important than being truthful.”

The end result, says Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, is a whole generation of students with no regard to authority or integrity. It's criticalfor schools, parents and communities to take an assertive effort to educate their students about Anti Bully and Character Development.

Good Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly programs talk more in depth to students about the dangers ofbullying and the importance ofgood Character, regardless of whatsituation you may find yourself in, and not get the results that Milwaukee Brewers MLB star Ryan Braun found himself in. 

The best way to hire the best corporate entertainment Indianapolis for your event.

Selecting the right Corporate Entertainment Indianapolis for any corporate event is a time-consuming task, even for one of the mostseasoned corporate meeting planner.

With hundreds of categories and thousands of sizzling entertainers to pick from, meeting planners are looking toselect corporate entertainment Indianapolis who will deliver an energizing performance and create the positive mood and right message for your entire corporate audience. It is critical tomatch the right performer with the right audience. The differing typesof Corporate entertainment Indianapolis:

The perfectentertainment can greatly bring aboutthe success ofa companymeeting or conference. The idealcorporate entertainment Indianapolis can lift the spirit, spark camaraderie, and electrify a normally "strictly business" event. Listed below are somedifferent types ofevents to consider when booking entertainers:

1. Grand Opening & Closing Programs. An effective opening as well as a memorable closing goes a long way towards creating asuccessful event. Your opening should set the atmosphereand tone for the rest of your conference. Your closing should send your attendees off feeling energized to help with your organization. Specialized entertainment is a superbway to start and end your events. This can be accomplished a number of ways: high-energy music (both live and taped), lively dancers, a magic spectacle, or, numerous other variety acts. Lightshows, pyrotechnics, and customized videos are also very effective. For your closing, a good audience participation act will help to recap your conference's theme before sending them on their way.

2. After-Dinner Performances. A fantastic after-dinner performance can turn a good meal into a great evening. There are several self-contained acts that always provide the right spark. A few examples are: Musical groups, comedy magician, magician, comedians, humorists, satirists, impressionists, improvisational troupes, Murder Mystery shows, mentalists, hypnotists, and also otherspecialty attractions that put the exclamation mark after dinner.

3. Award and Banquet ShowsTo provide some sizzle into your awards banquet, consider bringing in:

(a) a Professional Comedy Magician to MC the event,

(b) Magicians, Jugglers, Ventriloquist, etc. in-between every few recipients

(c) a Dance Band followingceremony

4. Trade-Show Demonstrations

The achievementsa trade-show exhibit is judged by both how manypeople call yourstand, and more importantly, how many people take with them valuable information about your product and service. Entertainers can customize a presentation, highlighting your product or service and service. They know how to get a crowd, and, more importantly, how to get your message out while being thoroughly entertaining. Other ideas, to generate excitement at an exhibit booth are to hire a sports celebrity or soap star to meet and greet. Celebrity impersonators and presidential look-alikes also are good crowd-pleasers.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Corporate Entertainment Favorite Jamahl Keyes to Headline For the Magic Capital Of The World Abootts Magic Get Together Colon,MI

Abbotts 76th annual magic Get-Together convention is going to be hosting the return of award winning comedy magician Jamahl Keyes Thursday, August 8,2013 8:00pm. His show will include his excellentMinnie The Moocha routine, Big spender Illusion and a few more surprises all presented with his theatrical dancing and comedy style.

“I’m so excited to be back at the Magic Capital Of The World,” says Corporate Entertainment specialist Jamahl Keyes, “I haven’t been to Abbott’s in about 8 years since then I have performed my show in Japan, Italy and Spain to merelyname just a few, I am looking forwardto presenting some of my new Illusions on the stage I’m sure the old convention faithful will love.”

The show is going to take place on Thursday, August 8,2013 and will start promptly 8:00 pm. Also appearing on the programare going to be another corporate entertainment favorites like Ken Groves the ventriloquist who has appeared on America’s Got Talent, Doc Swan the sideshow wizard you’ll see him walk on glass swallow swords and stick needle in his arm (and that’s just the opener) and the Illusions of Cindy & Tracy Allen this incredible duo will amaze you with their very astonishing and entertaining Illusion style. The MC stands out as the hilarious Artie Kidwell.

“In addition to my Minnie The Moocha and Big Spender Illusion I'll be also be presenting my brand-new mobile phone mind reading effect, where I will read someone’s mind anywhere on the planet using a random persons mobilefrom the audience, you won’t choose tomiss this.” states, the corporate entertainment favorite Jamahl Keyes.

Ryan Braun Suspension from Baseball is an excellent illustration of why students Need the award winning Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program presented by Jamahl Keyes.

That the nation is dividedwhen it comes to stopping the bullying in schools epidemic is widely known. But now some of the effects of the national division are becoming clear through professional athletes, using our athletes as role models to our children is becoming a subject matterbest avoided when talking to students and educating students about Anti Bully and Character Development strategies that will make them successful in school and life. Perhaps the most evidentand most recent examples of this is Milwaukee Brewers Ryan Braun.

“After lying to officials and then throwing people under thebus he only gets the season off, only to come back next yearand get guaranteed millions, where do I sign up for that job,” explains Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, “This does not look good to our students, it is simply telling them that Character Development skills doesn’t really matter and that lying is more important than being truthful.”

The result, says Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, author and trainer, is a whole generation of students with no regard to authority or integrity. It is importantfor schools, parents and communities to take an assertive effort to educate their students about Anti Bully and Character Development.

Good Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly programs talk more in depth to students about the risks ofbullying and the significance ofgood Character, it doesn't matter whatsituation you may find yourself in, and not get the results that Milwaukee Brewers MLB star Ryan Braun found himself in.