Friday, August 23, 2013

School Assembly Indianapolis Speaker Reveals Three Ways To Build Your Self-Confidence In Any At-Risk Student.

We live in such a negative society, is it any wonder why a lot of people’s self esteem and self worth is at a all time low. Our society rewards people for not having confidence in themselves, by allowing excuses and no accountability for not accomplishing anything. The reality is if you don’t have confidence in yourself you will never fully fulfill your calling in life. 3 Proven Ways To Build Your Self-Confidence.

1.  Recognize that you where created to solve a problem in this world and that someone’s life will not start until you enter it.

All things created needs a person, place or thing to validate its existence. For example: A pencil needs something to write on to prove it is a pencil, glass needs some form of liquid to hold to prove it is a glass and a teacher needs students to prove they are a teacher. Seek and find what problem you was created to solve, a great way to do that is to find something you are passionate about in that is the problem you where called to solve.

2.  Associate yourself with people who’s fire is brighter then yours.

People in your life can only do four things in your life add, subtract, divide, or multiply. You want to always surround yourself with people that will add other positive people in your life and/or multiply positive people in your life. One great sign that you are hanging around the right type of people is that they are always positive. Positive people and battery chargers not drainers. The battery chargers are the type of people you want to surround yourself with at all times.


3.  Fill every conversation that you have, with your goal in it.

You must constantly fill your spirit and thoughts with something you want to build up your confidence for. Athletes understand this concept, football players imagine themselves running for a touchdown, basketball players imagine themselves shooting the last second shot, what do you imagine you accomplishing. Put your goals in your constant conversation.

True Story: A group a foreign exchange students went to visit Disneyland when one of the students stated, “It would have been nice if Walt Disney was able to see this.” The escort replied to the student, ”Oh you don’t understand because he saw this in his mind and spoke about it all a time, is because it is here.”

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