Monday, June 24, 2013

The 5 Parent Involvement Strategies That may Guarantee Your Child's Success With higher education.

This coming school year an enormous number of students will step onto a school campus to begin a school year that they hope will give them great memories and most of all the needed skills being productive in school and society.

“Unfortunately all studentswill not reach their full potential,” says Jamahl Keyes, top selling author, Student Leadership speaker, and teacher professional development trainer and parent Involvement lecturer. “Studies have shown that single parents or two parent households that are active in some type of capacity in their child’s academic life are 8-10times very likely tohave a child that is successfulin college and in the corporate world.”

Here are Jamahl Keyes, top selling author, Student Leadership speaker, teacher professional development trainer and parent Involvement lecturer, 5 Parent Involvement Strategies That WillGuarantee Your ChildSuccess In class:

Read to or along with yourchild regularly, and encourage them to read every day. If your youngsteris in middle schoolor high schoolstart a book club between the family, this will force your childto discuss what is going on in their life and give you being a parenta clear view oftheir perspective on life.

Approach homework like it is a job not a burden. This will give them a needed respect for productive habits. They musthave a similardedicated time each nightand/or afternoon for homework and or studying.

Volunteer at yourchild’s school twicea school year. This is a biggie, because it gives you a chance to see who they connect with and who they need to interact with.

Become familiar withyour child’s teacher, in the world ofthe we band emails, there is noexcuse for this not to happen. Communication is crucial!

Discuss frequently how your child feels about school. This can bea thing thatis often looked over by parents because life gets in the way. Often times parents discuss their child’s feelings about school when it is to late.

Jamahl Keyes, top selling author of the student leadership development book “Can’t Quit It Until You get the 5 Student Leadership success secrets for students, teacher professional development trainer and parent Involvement lecturer, has helped 1000s ofparents, teachers and mentors get the mostout of their students and children. His straightforward easy to implement strategies have been featured in seminars and lectures in 7 different countries.

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