Saturday, December 21, 2013

Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Reveals- Divided Nation Pushes The desire for More Student Leadership Speakers To Talk About The demand for Good Character Development.

That the nation is split in relation to effective ways to educate our students is well known. The good news issome of the connection between that national division are becoming clear: Student Leadership and Character Development are getting to bemore and more needed throughout the country. Most likely themost obvious sign of this need is the rising reports of violence and bullying within the elementary, middle schooland high school level.

“It use to be the case that student leadership and character development was taught in homes and in the curriculum throughout the country,” explains Jamahl Keyes, Top selling student leadership author, character development expert and teacher professional development workshop trainer.”Teachers are having a very tough time educating our students about math and language arts, as they arebeing interruptedby students that lack student leadership skills or need to learn more about character development.”

The outcome, says 
Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Jamahl Keyes, Top selling student leadership author, character development, of exposing any students to a leadership and character education is phenomenal.

Exposing any students to student leadership and character development strategies all through the year enables them tomake better choices in school and life.

“Students understand alternative behavior and the positive outcome in schooland life, many of them have no idea of what they may be doing wrong because they have never been taught student leadership and character education,” laments Jamahl Keyes. “That makes all the requirement forthese programs at a all time high.”

Friday, December 20, 2013

Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Reveals-The Seven Deadly Character Development Sins Every Student Must avoid To Be Successful.

Next school year many students will get ona school campus excited to learn, discover and be taught the needed skills to pass a state standardized test. Mostdo well on the test but fail in the test of life.

“This is a tragedy,” says Jamahl Keyes, 
Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis, Character development expert and top selling author. “It doesn’t matter how good a student does on a math, science or language arts test, if they do not have Character Development skills, they will notbe successful.”

Listed here arethe seven deadly Character Development sins every student must know to be successful:

Not being Trust worthy as a student, every student need to knowthat trustworthiness is a Character Development trait that will open doors for them.

Not respecting yourself and other students, show me a student that doesn’t respect themselves, I’ll show you a student that doesn’t understand how torespect others.

Not Taking Responsibility as a student, we reside in asociety where students and adults don’t be responsiblefor their actions.

Not Caring for yourself and for other students in your class.

Not seeking and lookingto be agood citizen.

Not Pursuing excellence and pushing to generally beand do the best that you can do.

Not Demonstrating integrity it doesn't matter whatsituation arises.

Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Jamahl Keyes student leadership trainer, Character Development expert and popularauthor, has helpedthousands ofat-risk students learn the needed character development skills to be successful in classand corporate America. He’s been a junior high schoolteacher for 8 years anda violence prevention coordinator for 4 yearsand has been a featured youth speaker and Teacher Professional Development trainer in every state. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis- That will assist things that happens in every school each year during school is the lack of parent involvement.

Your plans for the school are very large but you don’t have the power or enough people to make things happen for the school.

It could be as simple as just wanting extra help from parents for family night or that extra person to help during field trips. Studies show that more parents that took part in helping at a Childs school resulted in more students showing respect and leadership roles. A lot of the time the parents took on a more “parent for all” role, meaning the students looked at that parent as if they were theirs.

If your school has been suffering from lack of “parent involvement” then Get in the game Parent Involvement Program is exactly what you need at your school to increase the number of parents who involve themselves …

This Program will show you:

  • How To, Get your parents more involved in activities

  • How To, Motivate parents to get involved

  • How To, Get the community involved

This program is also perfect for:

  • PTA/PTO Meeting

  • Parent Event

  • Community Event

  • Conference or Convention

You don't have to wish you had more parents to be involved with your school now that “Get in the Game parent involvement program” is available to you and your staff. Get in the Game now to get more parents involved in the school and make your job a lot easier.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis-Simple methods to educate your students about bullying and build the Character Development skills needed to be successful in school and life.

The Magic Motivator-Jamahl Keyes, Author, speaker and Anti Bully and Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis is the president and founder of The Magic In You International, a businessthat educates students about Anti Bully and Character Development. As a author and award winningAnti Bully and Character Development Assembly speaker, he is a expert on Character Development education.

Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis- Jamahl Keyes has over Twenty years knowledge of secondary education as a teacher and trainer for at-risk students for 8 years he was the violence prevention coordinator for the City of South Bend Martin Luther King Center where he development the Soldier program a programthat was created totake at-risk youth and teach them life skills and youth leadership skills to assist be successful in school, college and life. The Director of the program Susan Connor was quoted saying, “You turned the program around so fast, it was like magic.”, thus the name The magic Motivator was born.

Based on Jamahl’s great Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly education techniques and experiences gained from teaching and educating students in elementary school, junior high school and high school, he has become The Magic Motivator. Today, he travels the modern worldeducating the students about the importance ofAnti Bully and Character Development education.

He easily captures the eyeof students, staff, teachers and parents with his fast paced up beat tempo type of speaking. His programs involve audience participation, real-life stories, comedy and mind reading magic effects to point out key points and solutions to the Anti Bullying epidemic. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

4 Questions To Ask When Scheduling a Magician Indianapolis on your Event.


1. Do you specialize in corporate event?

You need aspecialist in the corporate entertainment market. You need someone that understands the unique demands of your event and what is expected at a corporate program! Avoid club entertainers that make a living performing “R-Rated” material. It’s not corporate appropriate, and not worth the risk of somebodygetting offended at your event.

2. How many years have you worked as a Magician Indianapolis corporate events?

It should be at least five years. That will probably eliminate about 65% of your options. This is a prudent way toprotect yourself from disappointment.

3. Do they have any testimonials?

Which willprobably eliminate another 10%, but better you find out the bad news now than with a room full of your peers. Ask your prospective corporate entertainer to send you at least a dozen testimonial letters from satisfied CORPORATE clients. Seriously! If they don’t have that, they probably don’t work many corporate events and don’t have some ofenthusiastic clients either.

4. What's the nature of their show? Does it include appropriate content? Music? Proven materials? Just like with anything you purchase, you want to know exactly what you are getting so you are not surprised later when hiring a Magician Indianapolis.

3 Questions You need to Answer:

1. Are you comfortable withthe corporate entertainer as a performer?

You want to know about this person that will be representing you and your organization. You don’t need to find outevery little personal detail, but you should know them enough to be certaintheir behavior at your event is going to beimpeccable.

2. Do you trust the entertainer to deliver 100%?For those who havea little voice in your head warning you, this is the timeto listen. Don’t hold off untillater when it is too late to change your mind.

3. Are they professional?

Do they return phone calls promptly? Do they ask relevant questions onyour event? Will theyseem experienced inthe kind ofevent you are planning?

What you have experienced so far as a Magician Indianapolis is an indication of what you can expect in the future. When they havebeen slow to respond, excuse prone, or seem unprofessional, I would run as far away as you can!


Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Reveals 3 ways To build up The Self-Confidence In Any At-Risk Student.

We are now living such a negative society, is it any wonder why a lot of people’s self esteem and self worth is at a all time low. Our society rewards people for not having confidence on their own, by allowing excuses and no accountability for not accomplishing anything. The reality is if you don’t have confidence in yourself you will not everfully fulfill your calling in life. 3 Proven The best way to Build Your Self-Confidence.

Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Tip #1-

Notice that you are created to solve a problem in this world and that someone’s life will not start until you enter it. All thingscreated needs a person, place or thing to validate its existence. As an example: A pencil needs something to write on to prove it is a pencil, glass needs some form of liquid to hold to prove it is a glass and a teacher needs students to prove they are a teacher. Seek and find what problem you was created to solve, a great way to do that is to find something you are passionate about in that is the problem you where called to eliminate.

Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Tip #2- 

Associate yourself with individualswho’s fire is brighter then yours. People in your lifecan only do four things in your life add, subtract, divide, or multiply. You want to always surround yourself with people that will add other positive people in your life and/or multiply positive people in your life. One great sign that you are hanging around the right type of people is that they are always positive. Positive people and battery chargers not drainers. The battery chargers are the type of people you want to surround yourself with at all times.

Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Tip #3- 

Fill every conversation that you have, with your goal inside it.

You must constantly fill your spirit and thoughts with something you want to build up your confidence for. Athletes understand this concept, football players imagine themselves running for thattouchdown, basketball players imagine themselves shooting the last second shot, what do you imagine you accomplishing. Put your goals in your constant conversation.

True Story: A bunchof foreign exchange students went to visit Disneyland when one of the students stated, “It would've beennice if Walt Disney was able to see this.” The escort replied to the student,”Oh you don’t understand because hesaw this in his mind and spoke about it all a time, is because it is here.”

Monday, December 16, 2013

Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Reveals The Horrible Needed Incredible importance of Youth Leadership Speakers With your School And Community.

“Riddle Me This! What exactly doastronauts and street gang members have in common? Both groups are highly motivated. Both had role models, at an early age, of the personthey thought about being. Both attached an aspirationto their example. The astronaut's dreams lead them into the world of aviation. The street gang members dreams lead to imprisonment.”, this bold statement comes from, Nationally recognized Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Jamahl Keyes.

Exactly why do some at-risk students ambitions lead toself-destruction when the same skills can be used todevelop amotivating career and productive lifestyle?

It is very importantnote here that all of us follow our dreams. Many student shave weak dreams that offer limited motivation others have powerful dreams that arehighly motivating. For most of us, our dreams are positive, for others, their dreams are self-destructive.

Street gangs and students in street life have very powerful, self-destructive ambitions, usually associated with criminal activity. Our mind is a powerhouse that searches for ways to fulfill our dreams, whether they are right or wrong.

“As teachers, parents and mentors we've got tomake a conscience effort to show students what could happen to them if they have leadership skills and character development by having school assembly, eventsand more,” states Nationally recognized 
Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Jamahl Keyes, “Many students on a daily basis through TV, social media and movies see self-destructive choices that can be made. That’s why it is vital to show them what happens to them if they are not self-destructive this could make the difference to them becoming a gang member taking from society or a astronaut adding to society.”

4 Questions To Ask When Considering to book a Magician Indianapolis for a convention.


1. Do you are known forcorporate event?

You want aspecialist in the corporate entertainment market. You need someone that understands the unique demands of your event and what is expected at a corporate program! Avoid club entertainers that make a living performing “R-Rated” material. It’s not corporate appropriate, and not worth the risk of someonegetting offended at your event.

2. How many years maybe you haveworked corporate events?

It should be at least five years. That will probably eliminate about 65% of your options. This is a prudent way toprotect yourself from disappointment.

3. Do they have any testimonials?

Which willprobably eliminate another 10%, but better you find out the bad news now than with a room full of your peers. Ask your prospective corporate entertainer to send you at least a dozen testimonial letters from satisfied CORPORATE clients. Quite serious! If they don’t have that, they probably don’t work many corporate events and don’t have severalenthusiastic clients either.

4. What is thenature of their show? Does it include appropriate content? Music? Proven materials?

Just like with anything you purchase, you want to know exactly what you are getting so you are not surprised later.

3 Questions You have to Answer When Hiring a Magician Indianapolis:

1. Are you confident with the Magician Indianapolis as a performer?

You want to know about this person that will be representing you and your organization. You don’t have to knowevery little personal detail, but you should know them enough to ensuretheir behavior at your event will probably beimpeccable.

2. Do you trust the entertainer to deliver 100%?In case you havea little voice in your head warning you, the time has cometo listen. Don’t delay untillater when it is too late to change your mind.

3. Are they a known professional Magician Indianapolis?

Do they return phone calls promptly? Do they ask relevant questions aboutyour event? Would theyseem familiar withthe kind ofevent you are planning?

That which youhave experienced so far is an indication of what you can expect in the future. When they havebeen slow to respond, excuse prone, or seem unprofessional, I would run as far away as you can!


Sunday, December 15, 2013

4 Questions you should ask When Selecting a Magician Indianapolis for ones Event.


1. As a Magician Indianapolis, Do you specialize in corporate event?

You want aspecialist in the corporate entertainment market. You need someone that understands the unique demands of your event and what is expected at a corporate program! Avoid club entertainers that make a living performing “R-Rated” material. It’s not corporate appropriate, and not worth the risk someonegetting offended at your event.

2. How many years have you everworked corporate events?

It should be at least five years. That will probably eliminate about 65% of your options. This is a prudent way toprotect yourself from disappointment.

3. Do they have any testimonials?

That mayprobably eliminate another 10%, but better you find out the bad news now than with a room full of your peers. Ask your prospective corporate entertainer to send you at least a dozen testimonial letters from satisfied CORPORATE clients. Serious! If they don’t have that, they probably don’t work many corporate events and don’t have manyenthusiastic clients either.

4. Is there anature of their show? Does it include appropriate content? Music? Proven materials?

Just like with anything you purchase, you want to know exactly what you are getting so you are not surprised later.

3 Questions You MustAnswer:

1. Are you more comfortable withthe corporate entertainer as a performer?

You want to know about this person that will be representing you and your organization. You don’t need to knowevery little personal detail, but you should know them enough to ensuretheir behavior at your event will beimpeccable.

2. Do you trust the Magician Indianapolis to deliver 100%?In case you havea little voice in your head warning you, it is now timeto listen. Don’t wait untillater when it is too late to change your mind.

3. Are they a professional Magician Indianapolis?

Do they return phone calls promptly? Do they ask relevant questions regardingyour event? Would theyseem proficient inthe type ofevent you are planning?


Whatever youhave experienced so far is an indication of what you can expect in the future. If they havebeen slow to respond, excuse prone, or seem unprofessional, I would run as far away as is possible!



Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis-The Tip for Educating Your Students About Character Development and Youth Leadership.

We’ve all heard that old maxim that a good school assembly can help set the appropriatet one for the school year, but according to studies, schools that have assemblies have better results than schools that don’t have assemblies.

“A school assembly is the best strategy to introduce your students to tough subjects like bullying, character development and leadership,” explains Jamahl Keyes, top selling author, 
Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis. “Using a School Assembly to introducestudents to what they need to learn and know helps teachers and staff reinforce what must be expected from the students throughout every season.”

And it’s not only agood school assembly that’s important, says Jamahl. If your speaker can also leave thingsthat students can take home and or use in the classroom this can be a great addition to any school’s curriculum.

Although students wish togo to any sort ofschool assembly, it is very important to find one that uses visual arts, good interaction, comedy and perhapsmusic if you are to reach the student of the 21st century. Research has shownthat the average students attention span is not as long as their predecessors. So to educate the student of today speakers need to have a certain element of entertainment to the message they are trying to convey.”In all of my programs I make it a point to get the attention of the students with a mind reading effect, because if I can get their attention in the beginningI can slip some main pointsthey need to know throughout the program.” explains,
Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Jamahl. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

4 Questions you should ask When Scheduling a Magician Indianapolis for one's Event.


1. Do you specialize in corporate events?

You want aspecialist in the corporate entertainment market. You need someone that understands the unique demands of your event and what is expected at a corporate program! Avoid club entertainers that make a living performing “R-Rated” material. It’s not corporate appropriate, and not worth the risk of somebodygetting offended at your event.

2. How many years have you everworked corporate events?

It should be at least five years. That will probably eliminate about 65% of your options. This is a prudent approach toprotect yourself from disappointment.

3. Do they have any testimonials as a Magician Indianapolis?

That canprobably eliminate another 10%, but better you find out the bad news now than with a room full of your peers. Ask your prospective corporate entertainer to send you at least a dozen testimonial letters from satisfied CORPORATE clients. No joke! If they don’t have that, they probably don’t work many corporate events and don’t have some ofenthusiastic clients either.

4. Exactly what is thenature of their show? Does it include appropriate content? Music? Proven materials?

Just like with anything you purchase, you want to know exactly what you are getting so you are not surprised later.

3 Questions You have to Answer:

1. Are you comfortable with the Magician Indianapolis for your corporate event?

You want to know about this person that will be representing you and your organization. You don’t need to find outevery little personal detail, but you should know them enough to ensuretheir behavior at your event will beimpeccable.

2. Do you trust the entertainer to deliver 100%?When you havea little voice in your head warning you, now is the timeto listen. Don’t hold off untillater when it is too late to change your mind.

3. Are they professional Magician Indianapolis?

Do they return phone calls promptly? Do they ask relevant queries aboutyour event? Do theyseem proficient inthe sort ofevent you are planning?

What youhave experienced so far is an indication of what you can expect in the future. When they havebeen slow to respond, excuse prone, or seem unprofessional, I would run as far away as you possibly can!


Motivational Youth Speaker Indianapolis Tactics Makes sure Any Individuals Success.

For some teachers and parents, teaching youth leadership is one area that is sometimes looked over. But that might be changing. According to thelatest violence in school statistics, growing number of educators are centering onteaching students youth leadership skills. Many teachers may not think they have the time to add youth leadership to their already stressful school day.

“Studies show that schools that teach the importance of youth leadership have less violence on a school year basis.” says, Jamahl Keyes, top selling author, youth leadership speaker and character development expert. “Many students are not taught the essentialleadership skills needed to be successful in classand after.”

One of the reasonsthat youth leadership education has become so popular, argues Jamahl, is the proof that it works. News reports globallyhave shown testimonialsfrom students that learned leadership and have contributed their success to leadership.

Many studentstoo feel they handle the stresses of life better because of their understanding ofleadership.

“Of course, students are not likely tolearn all they need to know about leadership overnight, this is a thing thatneeds to be taught and reinforced,” says Jamahl, “but once the students get it, the skies the limit on whatever you may want to or can teach them and the climate in your school classroom and community will change for the better, students that learn youth leadership are students that will do well in school, college plus corporate America.” 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

4 Questions To Ask When Hiring a Magician Indianapolis for your next Corporate Event.


1. Do you specialize incorporate event?

You need aspecialist in the corporate entertainment market. You need someone that understands the unique demands of your event and what is expected at a corporate program!

Avoid club entertainers that make a living performing “R-Rated” material. It’s not corporate appropriate, and not worth the risk someonegetting offended at your event.

2. How many years have youworked corporate events?

It should be at least five years. That will probably eliminate about 65% of your options. This is a prudent method toprotect yourself from disappointment.

3. Do your corporate event entertainer Indianapolis have any testimonials?

That willprobably eliminate another 10%, but better you find out the bad news now than with a room full of your peers. Ask your prospective corporate entertainer to send you at least a dozen testimonial letters from satisfied CORPORATE clients. Serious! If they don’t have that, they probably don’t work many corporate events and don’t have numerousenthusiastic clients either.

4. What's thenature of their show? Does it include appropriate content? Music? Proven materials?

Just like with anything you purchase, you want to know exactly what you are getting so you are not surprised later.

3 Questions You have toAnswer:

1. Are you comfortable with the Magician Indianapolis as a performer?

You want to know about this person that will be representing you and your organization. You don’t want to knowevery little personal detail, but you should know them enough to ensuretheir behavior at your event is going to beimpeccable.

2. Do you trust the Magician Indianapolis to deliver 100%?When you havea little voice in your head warning you, this is the timeto listen. Don’t hold off untillater when it is too late to change your mind.

3. Are they a known Magician Indianapolis professional?

Do they return phone calls promptly? Do they ask relevant questions regardingyour event? Will theyseem experienced inthe type ofevent you are planning?

Everything youhave experienced so far is an indication of what you can expect in the future. When they havebeen slow to respond, excuse prone, or seem unprofessional, I would run as far away as you can!


4 Questions you should ask When Hiring a Magician Indianapolis to your Event.


1. Do you specialize in corporate events as a Magician Indianapolis?

You want aspecialist in the corporate entertainment market. You need someone that understands the unique demands of your event and what is expected at a corporate program! Avoid club entertainers that make a living performing “R-Rated” material. It’s not corporate appropriate, and not worth the risk of somebodygetting offended at your event.

2. As a Magician Indianapolis,

How many years perhaps you haveworked corporate events? It should be at least five years. That will probably eliminate about 65% of your options. This is a prudent approach toprotect yourself from disappointment.

3. Do they have any testimonials as a Magician Indianapolis?

That canprobably eliminate another 10%, but better you find out the bad news now than with a room full of your peers. Ask your prospective corporate entertainer to send you at least a dozen testimonial letters from satisfied CORPORATE clients. Serious! If they don’t have that, they probably don’t work many corporate events and don’t have numerousenthusiastic clients either.

4. What's thenature of their show? Does it include appropriate content? Music? Proven materials?

Just like with anything you purchase, you want to know exactly what you are getting so you are not surprised later.

3 Questions You MustAnswer:

1. Are you comfortable withthe corporate entertainer as a performer?

You want to know about this person that will be representing you and your organization. You don’t need to find outevery little personal detail, but you should know them enough to ensuretheir behavior at your event will likely beimpeccable.

2. Do you trust the entertainer to deliver 100%?For those who havea little voice in your head warning you, now is the timeto listen. Don’t wait untillater when it is too late to change your mind.

3. Are they professional?

Do they return phone calls promptly? Do they ask relevant questions onyour event? Would theyseem experienced inthe sort ofevent you are planning?

Whatever youhave experienced so far is an indication of what you can expect in the future. Should they havebeen slow to respond, excuse prone, or seem unprofessional, I would run as far away as you can!


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

4 Questions you should ask When Making a reservation for a Magician Indianapolis for the Event.


1. As a Magician Indianapolis, Do you specialize in corporate event?

You want aspecialist in the corporate entertainment market. You need someone that understands the unique demands of your event and what is expected at a corporate program!

Avoid club entertainers that make a living performing “R-Rated” material. It’s not corporate appropriate, and not worth the risk of someonegetting offended at your event.

2. How many years maybe you have worked as a Magician Indianapolis at events?

It should be at least five years. That will probably eliminate about 65% of your options. This is a prudent method toprotect yourself from disappointment.

3. Do they have any testimonials?

That canprobably eliminate another 10%, but better you find out the bad news now than with a room full of your peers. Ask your prospective corporate entertainer to send you at least a dozen testimonial letters from satisfied CORPORATE clients. Quite serious! If they don’t have that, they probably don’t work many corporate events and don’t have manyenthusiastic clients either.

4. What's thenature of their show? Does it include appropriate content? Music? Proven materials? Just like with anything you purchase, you want to know exactly what you are getting so you are not surprised later.

3 Questions You should Answer:

1. Are you confident with the Magician Indianapolis as a performer?

You want to know about this person that will be representing you and your organization. You don’t want to knowevery little personal detail, but you should know them enough to ensuretheir behavior at your event will likely beimpeccable.

2. Do you trust the entertainer to deliver 100%?

If you havea little voice in your head warning you, the time has cometo listen. Don’t delay untillater when it is too late to change your mind.

3. Are they professional?

Do they return phone calls promptly? Do they ask relevant queries aboutyour event? Would theyseem experienced inthe sort ofevent you are planning?

That which youhave experienced so far is an indication of what you can expect in the future. Should they havebeen slow to respond, excuse prone, or seem unprofessional, I would run as far away as you possibly can!


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The right help guide to hiring the right magician Indianapolis for your next function.


Employing an Magician Indianapolis for your get together might be adaunting task. You’re calling complete strangers to come into your office or hometo entertain a small grouping offriends, work associatesor children. And you want this to be memorable for all the right reasons - not “the birthday when the magician never showed up” or “that party when the clown kept making inappropriate jokes and smelled like cigarettes”. How do you findand hire the right corporate entertainment or party entertainment for this unique job?Here are a couplequestions that you should ask the corporate entertainment or Party entertainment before hiringthem.


Ask for a description of the Magician Indianapolis or party entertainment. Is it interactive? Like, Is there a sample video online?

What’s the value? Remember, the most costlyis not necessarily the most effective.

Just what is thecorporate entertainment or party entertainment show length? Any kind ofoptions?

Is anything elsecontained in theprice, for exampleDVD’s, Free magic tricks prizes, etc.?

Is a deposit required? What forms ofpayment do they reallyaccept, and when is it due? 

What happensif you need to cancel because ofsick child or bad weather? Just how muchspace would theyneed?

Do they reallyperform at your chosen venue, whether or not thisbe the beach, a park, perhapshome?

Will theyneed access to electricity for speakers or lights?

The length of time will they need to set up?

Ask if the entertainer has performed at any events much like theone you've planned.

Can he or sheprovide names to call for references?If you'd like tofilm or photograph the show, is that OK?

At the time of the party, make sure an area is set aside and ready for the entertainer. Minimize distractions throughout theshow so the children can also enjoyit and so you get your money’s worth. Provide another area for adults who want to converse so they don’t distract from the show. The proper Magician Indianapolis and party entertainment can make a party memory that will last a lifetime. In the event youemploy apro, you can relax knowing that the guests are having a lot of fun, you’re getting your money’s worth, and your party will be remembered -for all the right reasons!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Nationally Recognized youth speaker Jamahl Keyes Tip:A School Assembly-The Tip for Teaching Your Students About Character Development and Youth Leadership.

We’ve all heard that old maxim that a good school assembly can help set the right tone for the school year, but in accordance with studies, schools that have assemblies have better results than schools that don’t have assemblies.

“A school assembly is the foremost approach to introduce your students to tough subjects like bullying, character development and leadership,” explains Jamahl Keyes, top selling author, Character Development trainer and youth leadership speaker. “Using a School Assembly to introducestudents to what they need to learn and know helps teachers and staff reinforce what has to beexpected from the students throughout the year.”

And it’s not really agood school assembly that’s important, says Jamahl. If thespeaker can also leave some materials that students can take home and or use in the classroom this can be a welcome additionto any school’s curriculum.

Although students love togo to any type of school assembly, it is very important to find one that uses visual arts, good interaction, comedy and perhaps music if you are to reach the student of the Twenty-first century. Studies showthat the average students attention span is not as long as their predecessors. So to educate the student of today speakers need to have a certain element of entertainment to the message they are trying to convey.”In all of my programs I make sureto get the attention of the students with a mind reading effect, because if I can get their attention initially I can slip some main points they need to know throughout the program.” explains, Jamahl. 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Nationally Recognized youth speaker Jamahl Keyes Tip:Special Youth Programs Gives Students The appropriate Student Leadership Skills To achieve success Through the entire School Year.

The decline of student Leadership and Character Development in society has hit our school system the most difficult. Recently, many teachers and administrators have realizedmuch of their already almost no time, continues to bedevoted todiscipline and redirecting students to be back on task. To help teachers and administrators manage to get theirstudents focused and on task author speaker and Teacher Professional Development trainer Jamahl Keyes has launched a series of Special Youth Programs and Student Leadership programs to help teachers and administrators give their students the know how needed to be successful.

“The average student has not been taught character development skills or student leadership skills like theirpredecessors,” explains Jamahl Keyes, who has been speaking for School Assembly, After School Programs, Parent Involvement Programs and Teacher Development Programs for over Twenty years, “Many students have know idea of leadership, so they don’t havean idea of how important it is for their success.”

Keyes’ student leadership and character development programs and workshops will helpany student reach their full potential. His Two decadesof experience working with at risk youth has been featured in several Teacher Professional Development In-services where he shows teachers simple to applymethods and tacticsto use to help educate their students in the classroom making their job faster and easierbecause thecinergy that is created through implement his breakthrough and uncomplicated style.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Nationally Recognized youth speaker Jamahl Keyes Tip: Learn how to educate your at risk student the need for student leadership and character development by telling them the history of Thomas Edison.

Thomas Edison's short stay in the classroom was a disaster. His mother pulled him out and gave him a workshop that focused on character development and student leadership so he could develop his natural talent at his own pace, she was not concerned withacademics at that time. You know the rest of the story. What if he lived in today’s type of government subsidize housing unit? Being a frustrated young at risk student chances are he would turn to crime and drugs, then spend his life in prison, all because he did not have the needed character development and student leadership skills to find his true talent and/or an outlet in order to developit, if found.

• How many Thomas Edisons' are in jail because they were incompatible with classroom environments and lack opportunity not havingany character development skills to help develop their natural talent?

• People are in prison today because society says all teenagers especially the ones that don’t show many students leadership must be intellectuals before they can develop their natural talent. They were labeled failures in the classroom and self-fulfilling prophecy proves everyone right.

A high percent of today's professional blue-collar workers walked outside theeducation system, couldn'tqualify for apprentice programs or technical schools, started their career as a helper, advanced until many now make $70,000 per year. Blue-collar employers are not interested in applicants' education level, they want work ethic skills, the ability to get the job done, good character development skill and student leadership. With healthy self-esteem, employers can teach necessary skills, even at the helper level. A person with negative self-esteem has no value to anyone, even with education achievement certificates. Standardized test builds positive self-esteem in the winners and negative self-esteem in the losers and does nothing to build upself-discovery or natural talent.

Thomas Edison was lucky, his mother quickly recognized what the academics-first policy was doing to Thomas and removed him from that environment. Many of today's teenagers are not so lucky, they are stripped away fromthe education environment and sent to jail.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nationally Recognized youth speaker Jamahl Keyes Tip: Teacher professional development some tips on educating students with Oppositional Defiance Disorder.

The American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, (DSM-IV) defines oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) as a recurrent pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient, and hostile behavior toward authority figures that persists for about6 months. Behaviors in thedefinition are losing one’s temper; arguing with adults; actively defying requests; refusing to follow along withrules; deliberately annoying other individuals; blaming others for one’s own mistakes or misbehavior; being touchy, easily annoyed or angered, resentful, spiteful, or vindictive.

ODD is often diagnosed when a child has a persistent or consistent pattern of disobedience and hostility toward parents, teachers, or other adults. The standardsfor ODD are met only whenthe problem behaviors occur more frequently in the child than in other children of the same age and developmental level. These behaviors cause significant problems withloved ones, and the oppositional behaviors are similarboth at home and in school. Sometimes, ODD may be a precursor of a conduct disorder. Co morbidity of ODD with ADHD has been reported to occur in 50%-65% of affected children. ODD is not diagnosed if the problematic behaviors occur exclusively with a mood or psychotic disorder.

Teacher professional development some tips onThe Don’ts of Communicating to a student with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)


• Use long lessons.

• Be oppositional yourself.

• Use a loud angry voice.

• Use negative gestures.

• Revisit earlier problems.

• Blame yourself or other people.

• Make assumptions about a child’s behavior.

• Label the childwith negative names.

Teacher professional development tips aboutThe Do’s of Communicating to a student with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)


• Use short explanations of ten words or fewer.

• Say just whatyou wish.

• Speak calmly and clearly.

• Make eye-to-eye contact and overcome your facial expression, posture, and gestures.

• Talk about what is happening right now.

• Focus on solutions, not problems.

• Ask questions and getfeedback.

• See the child as a whole person with abilities and failings.

“Many of these methods can be easilyutilized onevery day basisin my presentation for teachers, educators and administrators I show them easy to implement exercises they can use in the classroom,” says Jamahl Keyes, author, speaker and Teacher Professional development in service trainer. “It is essential for teachers to understand how to use these strategies so that you have the needed skills to resolve any conflict in the classroom large or small.”

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Nationally Recognized youth speaker Jamahl Keyes Tip: Award Winning Parent Involvement Program That Will Help Any PTA/PTO or Parent Organization Grow.

One of the most frustrating things that happens in every school each year during school is the lack of parent involvement. Your plans for the school are very large but you don’t have the power or enough people to make things happen for the school.    

It could be as simple as just wanting extra help from parents for family night or that extra person to help during field trips. Studies show that more parents that took part in helping at a Childs school resulted in  more students showing respect and leadership roles. A lot of the time the parents took on a more “parent for all” role, meaning the students looked at that parent as if they were theirs.

If your school has been suffering from lack of “parent involvement” then Get in the game Parent Involvement Program is exactly what you need at your school to increase the number of parents who involve themselves …

This Program will show you:

  • How To, Get your parents more involved in activities

  • How To, Motivate parents to get involved

  • How To, Get the community involved

This program is also perfect for:

  • PTA/PTO Meeting

  • Parent Event

  • Community Event

  • Conference or Convention

There is no need to wish you had more parents to be involved with your school now that “Get in the Game parent involvement program” is available to you and your staff. Get in the Game now to get more parents involved in the school and make your job a lot easier.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nationally Recognized youth speaker Jamahl Keyes Tip: Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis to help Middle School Students everywhere.

This upcoming school year is a Anti Bully and Character education assembly Indianapolis that will benefit middle schooland highschool students of the manybackground andcultures.

“Unlike other Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis Programs that gear their program to elementary school students with the anxiety about creating and presenting a entertaining and academic program for middle school and High school students, this program is created specificallyto tackle the challenges that Middle School and High School students.”, said Jamahl Keyes, Top Selling Author, Youth Leadership Speaker and Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker.

The Magic In You, Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis uses Comedy, Real-Life Story Telling, Mind Reading and interactive understanding how tomentionblueprintthat will assiststudents that are victims of bullying stop from being bullied, creative ways for students that witness bullying to report it and a character education message for the students that will getattention from bullying others.

“Because of my Ten yearsof expertise working in a junior high school classroom and being the violence prevention coordinator for the City of South Bend where I worked withat risk High School students on a daily, I am awarethe desire toreach these students and educate them about character and youth leadership, states Jamahl Keyes, Top Selling Author, Youth Leadership Speaker and Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nationally Recognized youth speaker Jamahl Keyes Tip: Youth Leadership Speaker Indianapolis Reveals To Parents How To Bully Proof Their Child With an Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis Program That Change Lives.

Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis program, expert and nationally recognized youth leadership speaker Indianapolis Jamahl Keyes claimed to the parents of Concept Schools he can help rid the Bullying and fighting reports in their elementary, middle schooland high schools of Bullying and fighting by 30% together with hisBully Proof and Character education program The Magic In You.

Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker, Top Selling Author and Nationally recognized youth leadership speaker Indianapolis revealed to students, teachers and parents 5 easy to implementyouth leadership and character education strategies that alter theculture of violence bullying in school.

Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker, Top Selling Author and Nationally recognized youth leadership speaker Indianapolis provides practical success methods forstudents:

  • How to, consentrate onresults rather thanproblems in school.

  • How to, make the rightchoice for your future even whenit is not popular.

  • How to, responsibility for youractions in negative and positivetimes.

  • How to, Set short termand long termgoals to keepyou motivated.

  • How to, easily build your character and leadership skills on a daily.

Jamahl Keyes, Anti Bully and Character Education Assembly Indianapolis speaker, Top Selling Author and Nationally recognized youth leadership speaker Indianapolis presentations are very energetic, fun and interactive.”I think it’s crucial that yoube entertaining and interactive if we are to reach the student of the Modern day.” states Jamahl.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Nationally Recognized youth speaker Jamahl Keyes Tip: How to construct a Anti Bully and Character Education Culture Inside your School And Community.

That the nation is split with regards to educating a student of the 21st century established fact. But now some of the effects of that national division are getting to be clear: methods and strategiesof educating our students is becoming a subject best avoided when you first speak with what should be carried out to help educate our students with this day and time. Whether it’s Charter Schools, Private Schools, Public Schools and evenBoarding Schools, many parents, teachers, politicians and administrators are avoiding discussing how to deal with the Bullying culture of the students of today. Perhaps the most obvious sign of this reluctance to address the issue is the fact that Character education has almost been abolished from everyone’s curriculum as a whole.

“Character education is a mustif we areto provideour students the needed and necessary tools to achieve successin class and life,” explains Jamahl Keyes, professional speaker, author and producer of Americas number one Anti Bully Assembly Program.”Today’s student has nothought ofthe repercussions of not understanding what character is and the way good character uncovers doors and secures their success.”

“The connection betweenstudentsbeing aware of what Character is” says Jamahl Keyes, professional speaker, author and producer of Americas number 1 Anti Bully Assembly Program, ”Is a culture of scholarsknowing thattheir success isn't only what grades they may get, but what impact whether positive or negative they've got about the people around them.”

New subjects in schools are rapidly using theplace ofCharacter education and leadership.

“Give us astudent that includes a4.0 GPA and horrible character and presentus astudent which has a2.5 GPA and agreat character, each studentwith the2.5 GPA will out shine the oppositestudent for the reason that, they'll haveevery resource open to themto achieve success, mainly because they will be a pleasant student and later worker to get along with.” Jamahl Keyes, professional speaker, author and producer of Americas number 1 Anti Bully Assembly Program, laments.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Business and Sales Speaker Indianapolis Tip: Turn Trash into Treasure

In every business there are scraps and throwaways. It stands to reason that if you

own a metal etching company, like Indiana Metal Etching in Elkhart, IN, you’d have scrap metal.Yes, it gets recycled, but one day it struck us to create our 3” x 5” business cards out of metal. Add a couple of etched samples on the card and we had something really unique and interesting.


Can you say “homerun”?


We’ve now done metal business cards for all kinds of big-shots, from company presidents to mayors of Chinese provinces. We’ve also done a heck of a lot of them for individuals who want to stand out from the crowd and be



One client who was in the financial business had us create a business card for him that looked like a thin gold bar.


The thing that makes these cards so powerful is that, unlike regular crappy paper business cards, people don’t throw these away. They keep them, they always know where they are (unlike a paper business card), and they show

them to friends. And sometimes they even order them! What business are you in?


What should you be using for a business card?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Business and Sales Speaker Indianapolis Tip: The Gold Is in the List

Your client list is your business’s numberone asset.

Know who your clients are. Where do they live, when is their birthday, how

many children do they have, what do they read, and what do they do when

they’re not working?


The gold is in the list. Sliced and diced, niched, and pitched – there is nothing

more valuable.


And you won’t believe how many business owners don’t even have their customer list in any digital form (preferably a database). They don’t stay in contact. They don’t send them notes.


They don’t send newsletters. They don’t send emails. Nothing.Nada.Zilch.

They just sit back and “pray” that they’ll come back and buy.


OK, if it’s a really big customer, they may call them once in a while and ask if they

have any other business.


But that’s no way to treat gold. Software services like aWeber,

InfusionSoft, 1Shopping Cart, ACT, Send Pepper, and others help protect that

golden list so you can mine it over and over and over.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Business and Sales Speaker Indianapolis Tip: Monitor Your Employees

There’s a saying: “inspect what you expect.” That means we inspect what our employees are doing, whether it’s a routine job or something a little more complicated, to make sure what they do meet our expectations.


Because if it meets the owner’s expectations, it will meet the customers’ expectations, too.


And on the other hand, if we don’t inspect…well, how will we even know what we’re getting? Chances are we won’t until a customer doesn’t get what he expects – and by then, it will be too late.


President Reagan used to say “trust but verify.” I believe that saying

will serve you well in life.

Business and Sales Speaker Indianapolis Tip: Master Your Mind

The person credited for coining the term mastermind is Napoleon Hill in his famous

ground breaking book Think and Grow Rich which he wrote in the early 1900’s.Mastermind groups, however, have actually been around as long as people have been around. You can even go back to the Bible and Jesus, constantly “masterminding” with

his 12 disciples.


If you’re not familiar with the concept, a mastermind group is where two or more people come together with a goal of helping each other. Each is able to access the others’ strengths, which

produces better results for all than any one of the people ever could possibly generate on their own.


You can create a mastermind group out of people in your own industry or, even better, from people outside your industry (all in non-competing businesses). I say “even better” because, when

you’re able to talk to business owners outside your industry, you’re able to learn cool and fresh creative strategies that no one else in your business sector is using.


Sounds pretty good, huh?


So join or start a mastermind group and blow your competition away!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Business and Sales Speaker Indianapolis Tip: Remember Your Purpose

A lot of times, we get so busy working in our business that we forget why we’re

doing what we do in the first place! And, no, don’t say it’s to make money – nobody

goes to your business just because they want to give you money. You’re not that



ZigZiglar(Christian motivational speaker and sales expert) used to have a good saying, and we all should try to live by it.


“Always give everybody else what they want, and you will have everything that you want.” Remember – the only radio station your customers are listening to is WIIFM (What’s in it for me?).

Monday, November 18, 2013

Business and Sales Speaker Indianapolis Tip: Set the Mood

Whether you own a Country Inn and Suites in Northern Indiana or a

restaurant featuring home-style cooking in Lancaster, PA, you can “set the mood”.


Why not have a nice fire roaring in the fireplace (especially on cold winter

nights) or a carriage to take the guests through the property?


During Christmas season, have holiday music playing and serve homemade hot

cinnamon cider - on the house. Pull out all your grandmother’s cookie recipes

and start baking up a storm. You could even assemble your own cookbook and

give them away or sell them.


Little things, big return. Your clients are welcomed guests – not unwanted pests.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Business and Sales Speaker Indianapolis Tip: Crack a Smile

Chances are you smile when you greet a customer in person. But what about on the

phone? Believe it or not, whether it’s a friend, a family member, or even a potential customer, people can actually see you through that



Well, not exactly. But they form a picture in their mind, and if you’re not smiling, that’s a part of the picture.


I don’t know why, but I still know that the act of smiling makes you sound and even feel happier. So when that phone rings, no matter what’s going on, I stop for a minute, stand up (this gives you more energy on the phone and it’s healthy) and smile. I want whoever is on the other end to feel how happy I am to get their call. And people

are more likely to buy from a happy person.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Business and Sales Speaker Indianapolis Tip: Meet Their Expectations and Then Exceed Them

Who hasn’t been to Disney World and marveled at the smallest detail? If

you’ve ever taken a behind-the-scenes tour, you’ll know that EVERTHING to

Disney is marketing. And EVERYONE is responsible for that marketing.


Disney doesn’t have employees. Disney has cast members.

Upbeat music is played as you enter the park in the morning. Calming music is

played as you leave in the late afternoon and evening.


No detail is too small, too insignificant, or too unimportant to Disney. Even their

cleanliness is marketing.


Take a trip at least once a year to Disney and look through different marketing

glasses every time, and then implement what you see in your own business.

The Anti Bully and Character Development Skills Every Student Must Know To Have A Successful School Year.

This school year thousands of students will step in the school with the intentions of having a great and successful school year. Statistics show that many students will have more downs then up’s this school year because of not knowing the needed and necessary Anti Bully and Character Development skills needed to be successful.

“The school year could be a tragedy to a student that doesn’t have any Anti Bully and needed Character Development skills to help them emotionally throughout the school.” says Jamahl Keyes, nationally recognized Anti Bully and Character education expert, author and Teachers Professional Development Speaker. ”every student that attends school have so many emotional and character flaws that they deal with, which causes them to not be completely focused on school.”

Here are Jamahl Keyes, nationally recognized Anti Bully and Character education expert, author and Teachers Professional Development Speaker. 5 Must Know Anti Bully and Character Development Skills Every Student Must Know To Have A Successful School Year:

Conflict Resolution Skills…students need to know how to handle their anger and how to deal with other people who are angry this can make the difference between managing conflict effectively and having conflict end in violence.

Problem Solving Skills… Every student needs to solve problems big and small every day. They are not born with the skills they need to do this – they must develop them.

Respecting peers and authority Skills…Unfortunately in this information age many students have no idea of what respect is and how important it is to be successful. This is a needed skill not only in school but in life.

Communication Skills…Because of smartphones, social media, computers and other devices the students of the 21st century are deprived of having to use verbal, physical and written communication skills on a daily basis, studies show that students that can communicate verbally, physically and through written communication effectively will always be more successful than the ones who don’t have all three.

Nationally recognized Anti Bully and Character development education expert and Teachers Professional Development Speaker Jamahl Keyes gives teachers parents and mentors easy to implement strategies to educate students on these 5 skills. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Nationally Recognized Anti Bully And Character Development Speaker Jamahl Keyes 3 Ways Any Parent Can Bullyproof Their youngster For The School Year.

This August an enormous number ofstudents will step onto a school campus eager tostart the school year. Statistics show that 8 out of 10 students will either be bullied or witness someone being bullied a couple of times throughout the school year.

“This is a tragedy”, says The Magic Motivator Jamahl Keyes, top selling author and award winning Anti Bully and Character Development assembly speaker. ”every student in school nomatter their age or grade level could bebully proofed if their parents implement these bullyproof strategies.”

Here are The Magic Motivator Jamahl Keyes, top selling author and award winning Anti Bully and Character Development assembly speaker key parent Bullyproof strategies for the school year:

Ask them about their day good or bad. It is important as parents to get in the habit of asking their child about their day. This is important, many parents try to get there child to talk about their day in school only when they feel something may be wrong. Studies show that a student especially junior high schooland high school have trouble articulating themselves.

Remember the names. Throughout the year it is important to ask your child to introduce you to classmates and students. This will help you get a better understanding of who they surround themselves with and who you don’t want them to hangout with.

Provide them withdaily assurance. It is important to always assure your child that they can tell you how they may feel about a specific student in the school. Be sure to not only listen to what they may be saying but what information they may be holding out.

The Magic Motivator Jamahl Keyes, top selling author and award winning Anti Bully and Character Development assembly speaker, has educated thousands of students and parents creative and innovative ways to stop their child from getting bullied through theschool year. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Youth Leadership Speaker Strategies Will Guarantee Any Students Success.

For most teachers and parents, teaching youth leadership is something that is sometimes looked over. But that might be changing. According to the latest violence in school statistics, growing number of educators are focusing on teaching students youth leadership skills. Many teachers may not think they have the time to add youth leadership to their already stressful school day.

“Studies show that schools that teach the importance of youth leadership have less violence on a school year basis.” says, Jamahl Keyes, top selling author, youth leadership speaker and character development expert. “Many students are not taught the basic leadership skills needed to be successful in school and after.”

One of the reasons that youth leadership education has become so popular, argues Jamahl, is the proof that it works. News reports all over the world have shown success stories from students that learned leadership and have contributed their success to leadership.

Many students too feel they handle the stresses of life better because of their knowledge of leadership.

“Of course, students are not likely to learn all they need to know about leadership overnight, this is something that needs to be taught and reinforced,” says Jamahl, “but once the students get it the skies the limit on what you can teach them and the climate in your school classroom and community will change for the better, students that learn youth leadership are students that will do well in school, college and in corporate America.” 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ideas on how to hire the right Anti Bully and Character development assembly speaker For your School Assembly Indianapolis.

Let’s get straight tothe pointhere. The summer will come to a close before you know itand you’ll end upthinking, “Darn, I didn’t hire a speaker yet for our elementary, middle school or highschool Anti Bully and Character development school assembly event.

Your feelings are:

1. I
want aseasoned student leadership speaker which will correspond with our students.

2. I want the Anti Bully and Character Development message
that may connect and make a defining point that will be recall the entire school year.

3. I
desire astudent leadership speaker that may address all of the current issues facing studentsof todayin a entertaining way and not bore the students to death.

Task for you is to find yourself an Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program that will make you look like a HERO to your students for the present and future. You want aAnti Bully and Character development speaker which will help boost theculture and spirit of your school setting the new year on the right note.

Here i will discuss three tips when deciding ona good Anti Bully and Character Development program for your upcoming school assembly:

1. Do
the research. You probably havebrochures, post cards, flyers, in the school assembly folder that have come through direct mail. Also, google Anti Bully and Character Development Assembly on the internet. Don’t generally go lookingat the sponsored searches because speakers pay to be listed. Also glance at theorganic searches right under the sponsored links. The higher they are rated organically tells you quite a bit - How long they’ve been speaking, how relevant they are to the key word“Keywords” you’ve used, and their popularity as an expert representing that keyword.

When you find a speaker, two, or three that you like make contact with that speaker by phone, email, or by website.

2. Make
Contact withSpeaker(s). You are the coordinator of the school assembly or conference you are planning so you know what you want in terms of a Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program and the overall theme of your event. You can’t expect the speaker to know. Therefore, I am surein looking at the speakers website and videos you now have a decent idea of what you know the speaker speaks about or the speakers style. Don’t assume. That is why you're making contact with the speaker.

3. Ask
to acquire more information. You have discussed the budgetand the speaker’s fee. Now it's about time toask for more information as you are considering hiring this speaker. Ask for themedia kit or the speakers packet of information. The speaker should gladly send you more information.

Some speakers say, “All the information is available on
the site.” Some speakers have more information that they can send you such as:

a. Letters of

b. Video clipof a recent talk

c. Flyers

This info should help you in hiring a wonderful Anti Bully and Character Development speaker for the next event. Finding the perfect Anti Bully and Character Development assembly program isn’t easy. It is rather stressful when you are trying to select a speaker that can impact young impressionable minds. Your job is to find a speaker that can relate to your students.

Today’s students
require a speaker that is real, entertaining and direct. They want one that treats them like young adults and doesn’t disrespect them by speaking right down tothem. Find a speaker that will leave a lasting impression and that will touch hearts and change lives!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The best way to educate your at risk student the need for student leadership and character development by telling them the history of Thomas Edison.

Thomas Edison's short stay in the classroom was a disaster. His mother pulled him out and gave him a workshop that focused on character development and student leadership so he could develop his natural talent at his own pace, she was not concerned aboutacademics at the moment. You know the rest of the story. What if he lived in today’s type of government subsidize housing unit? Being a frustrated young at risk student chances are he would turn to crime and drugs, then spend his life in prison, all because he did not have the needed character development and student leadership skills to find his true talent and/or an outlet to formulateit, if found.

• How many Thomas Edisons' are in jail because theywere in conflict with classroom environments and lack opportunity without havingany character development skills to help develop their natural talent?

• People are in prison today because society says all teenagers specially theones that don’t show many studentsleadership must be intellectuals before they can develop their natural talent. They were labeled failures in the classroom and self-fulfilling prophecy proves everyone right.

A highpercent of today's professional blue-collar workers walked from the education system, was not able to qualify for apprentice programs or technical schools, started their career as a helper, advanced until many now make $70,000 per year. Blue-collar employers are not interested in applicants' education level, they want work ethic skills, the ability to get the job done, good character development skill and student leadership. With healthy self-esteem, employers can teach necessary skills, even at the helper level. A person with negative self-esteem has no value to anyone, even with education achievement certificates. Standardized test builds positive self-esteem in the winners and negative self-esteem in the losers and does nothing to add mass toself-discovery or natural talent.

Thomas Edison was lucky, his mother quickly recognized what the academics-first policy was doing to Thomas and removed him from that environment. Many of today's teenagers are not so lucky, they are taken out ofthe education environment and sent to jail.

Monday, November 11, 2013

A School Assembly Indianapolis-The Key To Educating Your Students About Character Development and Youth Leadership

We’ve all heard the old maxim that a good school assembly Indianapolis will help set the right tone for the school year, but according to studies, schools that have assemblies have better results than schools that don’t have assemblies.

“A school assembly is the best way to introduce your students to tough subjects like bullying, character development and leadership,” explains Jamahl Keyes, top selling author, Character Development trainer and youth leadership speaker. “Using a School Assembly Indianapolis to introduce students to what they need to learn and know helps teachers and staff reinforce what needs to be expected from the students throughout the year.”

And it’s not just a good school assembly that’s important, says Jamahl. If the speaker can also leave some materials that students can take home and or use in the classroom this can be a great addition to any school’s curriculum.

Although students love to go to any type of school assembly, it is very important to find one that uses visual arts, good interaction, comedy and maybe music if you are to reach the student of the 21st century. Studies show that the average students attention span is not as long as their predecessors. So to educate the student of today speakers need  to have a certain element of entertainment to the message they are trying to convey.”In all of my programs I make it a point to get the attention of the students with a mind reading effect, because if I can get their attention in the beginning I can slip some key points they need to know throughout the program.” explains, Jamahl.